I have recently sold most of my equipment. I still have an M&R EconoMax conveyor dryer for sale. It is 7ft long, two heating panels, digital heat control, separate control of belt speed, exhaust fan, 24" wide Teflon belt in great shape. 220v with a brand new 7ft power cord.
This has been setting unused in my climate controlled basement for the last 12 years, so the amount of use is far less than its age. It is working perfectly and can be demonstrated at any time. This is a great dryer. These were originally described as perfect for small to mid size print shops. $1800. firm. Contact for pics or info. Hootykie@suddenlink.net
I also have a large industrial light table for sale. The original glass top has been broken and will need to be replaced. Sell cheap, best offer.
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Re: M&R Economax Conveyor Dryer & Light Table
you still selling?