Barudan Elite bobbin thread not catching to form embroidery stitches

We have a Barudan Elite for about 3 years. Yesterday in the middle of a design the bobbin thread stopped pulling up so that now a design won't stitch out. We have adjusted the needle position and oiled the bars.

Can any offer any advise on how to fix this problem.

Things I have also tried:
1. changing needle
2. new bobbin
3. rethreading
4. adjust the hook point (really didn't want to mess with it, but I seemed to have gotten the adjustment right)

At this point, I'd like to call in a tech, but the one recommended is tied up right now.
Barudan considers this an operator error, so I'm on my own, so to speak.
I'm in Cleveland, OH

Try checking needle depth and change bobbin case. Is the pigtail still on the bobbin case?When you say "Changing Needle" does that mean you replaced needle #? with a new needle or or actually swithed from needle #? to needle #?.

Sew Fine Designs

Do a tension test on the bobbin case. Put in a new bobbin but do not thread it threw the pig tail. Hold the end of the thread it should not unroll by itself. Give it a slight yo-yo yank and about two inches of bobbin thread should come out. If nothing comes out the you need to clean out the spring on the bobbin case and adjust till correct. Some like to simply tighten the spring till the bobbin threads does not come out on its own by gravity, I prefer slightly tighter than that.

Be sure that the needle is in the proper way, be sure the scarf is in place for the hook to catch the thread, most machines will require the scarf to the back.

When you adjusted the hook did you ensure that the needle was on it's upstroke and the hook centered on the needle passes @ 1-1.5mm above the eye within the scarf and @ a thickness of a piece of notebook paper away from the needle?