Geo Knight Image maker 31 by 20 1/2

United States

HI I have an older model Geo knight press the model is 294 swinger Image maker. This thing is huge!! it weights about 250 and is 31 by 21 1/2, it works great I was going to use it in my friends shop, but unfortunately he ended up closing his door for good. so now I'm going to be working out of my apartment and this press is way to big and takes up to much power. This is a heavy duty industrial press that belongs in a shop not an apartment. Now with all thats said I would like to trade for a 16x20 press like a Geo Knight or HIX. Something that is known to last a long time. I live in San Leandro CA. [email] I'm having trouble up loading pics

For Pictures p.m me your email address Tanks