By bokie on
Jul. 19, 2011
I am considering purchasing a Digital Garment Printer. After having looked at the Anajet products I saw where the BelQuette company had developed a "bagged" ink set up or modification for the Anajet printers. If their ink delivery system is such an improvement, then it seems like their printers would be decent. Is this true? Is there anybody out there with working environment experience for the BelQuette Mod 1 or Flexi-Jet printers?
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
We actually modified our DTG K2 printers to work with the Belquette ink system and its great.
They are actually up for sale right.
Never mind the price.. make me an offer slippting up..
1) Printer
2) Computer w/heat pres
3) Heat press
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
I would stay away from the DTG brand or Anajet. The Mod 1 would be your best choice.
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
I recommend a Mod as well, since I am using the same inks and pretreat. But, if you don't have the business to support it right away buying something used to get your business started would be a wise investment.
just my opinion..
@island tee's don't you have a Brother?
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
Yes I do.
I would buy new for the proper support and warranty since your on your own when buying used. Mark (BelQuette)is a great guy and very helpful. Buy the Mod 1 ,you wont regret it. IMHO.
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
Why didn't you get the Mod when you had the chance??
Yes, Belquette (Mark/Support Team) is great..But maybe you aren't aware of this and to the original poster we have helped develop the bagged system conversion for other printers besides the Mod. So the proper support will continue with this printer since it does utilized PrintsRite ink.
Of course there is no warranty, but in the past year (the same length as a warranty) we haven't needed it because of the bags.
But we will continue to help, train (along with proper pretreating) at our location.
You won't feel like your are on your own, because we are "end users" and respect other "end users" who will be using a product that we are proud of.
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
Bokie, if you want more info just PM me, I will be happy to help.
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
I am 45 mins from Belquette and I have Epson based printers which the Mod is based on .. so If you would like a sample shirt you can PM me and I can pick one up when I head there today or next week. We may not have a MOD but know its an excellent machine with a great ink system set-up. We just think our Kiosks that have been modified to a MOD ink delivery set-up is a great starter set-up. Instead of financing right away, we were able to pay off and add equipment to our shop. Now, we want to pass the success along to someone else who doesn't want to finance and build a customer base before purchasing or financing a machine.
Here's island tee's comments on the MOD
So being an Epson end user which is very different than the Brother ..PM me there is more information regarding the MOD that I can help you with and I can put you directly in touch with someone from Belquette.
Re: BelQuette Mod 1 Printers?
Yes my comment still stands. The Mod 1 is the best epson based printer out there. Bokie,like I said before,PM me for all the info you need.