Entire Screen Printing Shop

United States

Selling everything!
6 x 6 Hix Manual Press Aluminum Boards with Jacket Hold Down & Arm Boards
Workhorse flash dryer 16" x 16" has a fan on it.
Hix 4'x10' Dryer 3 phase
Hix T-Shirt Press
Hix Hat Press
Stahls All Lettering Sets(6 Different color Sets)
Wash out Booth
All Screens approximately 40 20 Aluminum
4' x 3' Nuarc Exposure unit.
Air Compressor
Inks, Screens, Screen Racks etc.

Asking $11,000 OBO:eek:

Danna Gideon
620-762-6271 Cell
Gideon's Design

Photos of the shop are at

:p [IMG]