By sjmagic on
Aug. 08, 2011
United States
Perfect Working condition!
Good Shape.
with High Level Digitizing Software.!(<--very good option)
Atlanta Area
Includes Lots of Threads and accessaries
There are 4 Comments
Re: b t-1501 swf 1 head 15 needle
Hi, I considering opening a business in Cleveland, TN 2Hr north of Atlanta, where are you located? I am just starting to researching one head machines. I have been sewing and quilting but haven't done any embroidery by machine. How easy is this machine to run? Is there any warranty left? Where do you get service? I am planning to attend the Trande show at Cobb G Center Sept 10-email me at if machine is still available. Thanks
Re: b t-1501 swf 1 head 15 needle
price reduced 6500 noe, jacki.
I sent U email now
Re: b t-1501 swf 1 head 15 needle
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Re: b t-1501 swf 1 head 15 needle
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