By Tyrko on
Sep. 28, 2011
Hi all,
I was wondering how you all deal with customers that want things individually folded and bagged? We originally said to customers that we didn't do it, and it was basically their problem. However, due to constant demand (nagging, lol) we started doing it, and realized most customers are willing to pay a premium for it. Now, that many customers want things folded, its getting hard.
Right now our folder is 3 girls with shirt boards and peel n' seal ULINE t-shirt bags, not super cost effective, I know. I can buy an automated folder/bagger from M&R, but to the tune of almost $30,000 ... does anyone know of a happy-medium?
Appreciate anyone's advice.
-- Tina
Re: High Volume folding?
Bill it high and make money off the value added. We charge $.15 to fold and $.15 to bag (with Sellotape), and it's either yes or no. If we do it we make money, not there to make friends, or they can take away and fold and bag themselves, and if it just goes out in bundles of ten in sizes / bulk then that's quicker, easy and less labour. I like it both ways. If the volume ever warranted then we would get an amscomatic or similar.
Re: High Volume folding?
Sounds to me like no brainer. Providing that you have enough work, how much you pay for 3 salaries per year? How much machine is?
Sounds to me like more than happy medium plus, I am sure that with machine you will save money on bags as well:)
Re: High Volume folding?
Not sure on how a folder/bager machine will save you money on bags but heres the rub..........there is seldom if ever enough steady demand for this. Therefore hard to justify the cost of the equipment. Sure back in the day we had "finishing departments" that would fold/bag/ ticket/sticker/hanger/label change etc. But those days are long gone. After that, a few companies sprung up in areas around LA and Miami that were Finishing Houses that you could contract out to as needed. Again pretty much not an option today. We use temp help for this. They are fast and experience and yes, expendable. If you do find a used machine be sure to personally see it in operation. They are often neglected for long periods of time (which is usually why they are being sold)
Re: High Volume folding?
Hi Tony, that is just my assumption and it depends on type of machine. If it makes bags of bag roll, or even better, flow wrap plastic sheet film it should be considerable cheaper that peel n' seal already made bag. over the corse of 10s of thousands t shirts some saving must be there.
Re: High Volume folding?
Makes sense.
Re: High Volume folding?
And the other trend I notice is customers going away from bagging on environmental, waste, carbon footprint basis, and especially push that when we are too busy to bag....
Re: High Volume folding?
Hi Tina.
We do a fair amount of folding and bagging for some of our clients. We don't use the folding boards as we have found that it is slower than not using them for us at least. We've done the numbers and have contemplated purchasing a machine as well and like Tony said, it's just not justifiable to purchase one.
Once you get into the groove, it goes pretty quick and we're able to make a profit off of it. Not much of a profit, but it really only consumes about 2 percent of our business.
Hopefully this helps. Good luck!
924 Calle Negocio
Suite D
San Clemente Calif. 92673
(949) 200.2923
screen printing,t-shirt printing,custom shirt printing,contact screen printing,custom apparel printing,private label,water base,discharge,flock,puff,foil,burnout,garment finishing,fast turnaround,cheap t-shirt printing,great pricing,sublimation printing
Our customer service is outstanding and our quality is superb!
Re: High Volume folding?
Actually I saw a used Amscomatic 740 folder (no bagger) for around $2300. Good deal but pick up only in Texas I believe. Check used equipment section.
BTW we do a ton of work for a licensed Sorority Event company. So every week we have about 20 orders that not only get the bag/fold but individual stickers with the girls names.
We get .50 for this and they never blinked. Keeps embroidery staff busy in between runs so it's kind of found money.
Re: High Volume folding?
Does anybody use this system?
Re: High Volume folding?
I have! I saw a video similar to this one. The only problem with doing high volume, is that it is slow. We typically fold off of a big stack of tees. By using this method, it's best to have a single shirt on a table as when you pinch the shirt in those place and prepare to fold, you'll grab other tees too if you're using this method off of a large stack.
I was always fascinated by this method. It's very cool!
924 Calle Negocio
Suite D
San Clemente Calif. 92673
(949) 200.2923
screen printing,t-shirt printing,custom shirt printing,contact screen printing,custom apparel printing,private label,water base,discharge,flock,puff,foil,burnout,garment finishing,fast turnaround,cheap t-shirt printing,great pricing,sublimation printing
Our customer service is outstanding and our quality is superb!
Re: High Volume folding?
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your input.
I know what you mean tony, We typically try to fold inbetween embroidery and things like that. We do enough volume where it gets cumbersome at times, its not bad if we're not busy, although it never fails, we always seem to get a big fold/bag job when we're busy. lol I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I've just started looking at used folding machines, so far it seems the ones that are for sale, are for sale for a good reason. lol
Promo- Yes, I've seen this. Its not bad, Although, I'm no faster at this method than the regular way, and its tough to fold off a stack too, Plus, I always find that this doesn't work proportionately on larger shirts.
I'm still not sure what to do. I think I may break down and just buy something used, and hope it lasts, at least for a while.
Thanks everyone!
Re: High Volume folding?
Umm ... one of those names doesn't belong ... Just sayin'
I've had run-ins with one of them, I'm not going to say which one, but I think you know. lol
Re: High Volume folding?
Contact Dave Blake. He will give you a deal on a new Amscomatic. They list around 22K.
Re: High Volume folding?
Rich can one buy a stand alone foder w/o the bag/seal?
Re: High Volume folding?
Re: High Volume folding?
Thanks Rich I'll tuck that away for next year.
Re: High Volume folding?
New or used?
Re: High Volume folding?