Who is going to SGIA?

Who is going to SGIA in New Orleans?

We should get together at the bar inside "Mulates" after the show on Wednesday afternoon.

"Mulates" is the restaurant across the street from the convention center.
Then maybe we can hit Bourbon Street after.

Add your name to the list.

Ted Uhall

srimonogramming's picture

Hopefully me, but I think we should meet at a blackjack table or the high limits slot room!!! I like ******s, yes I do, I like ******s, how bout you?

Alan, We will be there all week. Stop by one day and let me buy you lunch

Rodney Williams – Executive Vice President
Graphic Solutions Group, Inc.
4601 Spring Valley
Dallas, TX 75244
ph 214-712-6237 • cell 832-309-0695 • fax 972-239-2939

srimonogramming's picture

rodney113 wrote:
Alan, We will be there all week. Stop by one day and let me buy you lunch

Will do Rodney. You gonna have Tony and Steve there with ya? I haven't seen them in a while.

preston's picture

Ted Uhall wrote:
Who is going to SGIA in New Orleans?

We should get together at the bar inside "Mulates" after the show on Wednesday afternoon.

"Mulates" is the restaurant across the street from the convention center.
Then maybe we can hit Bourbon Street after.

Add your name to the list.

Ted Uhall

If I had the time and money (mainly the money) I would go but if nothing else I should see you at your install.