floppy drive issues

I just purchased a used SWF T601C embroidery machine. It stitches beautiful graphics that were with the machine, however I can't seem to get the machine to recognize the graphics that I save on my floppy drive. I save them in the dst format. The control box that came with the machine only reads floppy discs. A new box with a usb port would cost $5000.00 . Any suggestions?

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I am not familiar with SWF but on a Barudan, You have to create a folder to place the dst in. If you don't create the folder you won't see the file. The folder name has to end in .tfd


Thanks for responding! Are you saying to create a folder in the emb. machine or on the floppy?

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lymorris wrote:
Thanks for responding! Are you saying to create a folder in the emb. machine or on the floppy?

On the floppy. On a Barudan, it can not see the file unless it is in a folder ending in .tfd

create a folder > foldername.tfd < drop the file ending in .dst in there

That is how it is on a barudan

There is also a floppy drive emulator device that accepts USB drives.

Might look into that.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Our Barudans does not require a folder on the floppy but you do have to format the floppy first to a barudan machine parameter. We do not use floppies any more but I think I remember you cannot send the .DST it has to be converted to the machines format.

Best bet is simply to call SWF and ask, They are helpful folks