By rbforrest on
Oct. 24, 2011
Help! I was oiling the tajima this morning and unknowingly did something to casue an error. The error code is 211 and according to the book the "stop factor" is "a fixed position signal is not detected. (Main shaft Z signal)". The "corrective action is "return the main shaft to the fixed position".
Any ideas as to how I can do this?
Re: Tajima TEHX error code
Man, that's what I thought. It is not working for me. :-( thanks
Re: Tajima TEHX error code
Hi. Could you tell me how you ran the ATH process? I cannot make my machine do much right now and I have an order I have to get out by tomorrow. I'm really stressing it right now! Thanks!
Re: Tajima TEHX error code
press D button till you will see M ATH.
turn the JOG DIAL (the wheel on the right up side) to have circle on the screen(M ATH o).
press SET.
the machine must prforme trimm.
this is for STANDARD panel.
Re: Tajima TEHX error code
try to do what Robert Young said and press SET.
start the machine.
work or not?
the shaft turn?
Re: Tajima TEHX error code
on the side of your machine do you see a wheel with numbers on it? if so then turn that wheel to where the arrow is pointing to the numbers that are within the area marked in the color RED.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Tajima TEHX error code
first reset the error
try to perform an manual trim
Re: Tajima TEHX error code
I fixed it. Just ran the ATH process and it picked up fine.