Dear All,
It's Sandy from Greenhomeland Enterprise say hello to you and we send you this letter just to offer our expert digitizing services to you.
Digitizing is the process of converting your artwork design into a digital embroidery pattern that can be read by the embroidering machines. A skillful digitizing artist uses embroidery digitizing software to interpret your particular artwork design - from either vector format artwork or scanned artwork (.bmp.tiff) - to a digital embroidery pattern.
Based in southern ChinaGreenhomeland is a large embroidery digitizing centers in the China. We now have 36 full-time digitizers dedicated solely to serving the needs of embroidery shops and factories in the United StatesEurope and China.
Greenhomeland's mission statement is to create long lasting relationships with embroidery shops and factories by adhering to 4 principles which are: service quality turnaround time and low price.
Below is a brief description of how we strive to achieve each of our principles on a daily basis.
Headwear And Apparel Digitizing Is Our Specialty! We are good at mosaic embroidery logo digitizing!
There are numerous niches within the design industry such as web design print design etc... We chose embroidery digitizing because we realized digitizing is probably the only design niche where customers must continually come back to the designer for new projects on a regular basis. To keep customers coming back we realized that service quality and turnaround time were important but nobody can discount the fact that price is an extremely important factor when you choosing a digitizer.
It is not our goal to make a lot of money on one design but instead to create a successful business by encouraging you to continually reuse our digitizing services.
We are one of the largest digitizers with over 20 years in digitizing experience. In addition we have digitizers with various specialties. We always ensure that your particular digitizing project is sent to the digitizer best suited for each design. We ensure your satisfaction on each design.
Turn Time
More than 80% of our projects are completed and returned to you within 24 hours at no additional charge. Very few digitizers have such quick turnaround timeand digitizers that do 24 hour turnaround usually have rush charges.
Thanks for your time! And we are looking forward to build the business relationship with you soon.
Thank you in advance,
Best Regards
Greenhomeland Enterprise Company
P: 86755-21175845
F: 86755-28210677
M: 86-18924605845