By jkdbjj on
Dec. 08, 2011
So I am new, I posted my sign equipment to sell on here, and it did with no problem.
I then tried to buy equipment (
I wired the money and never heard another word.
The police are now investigating, and if anyone knows this guy please message me.
Very upset right now.
Thanks for your time.
Re: Got scammed on here :(
You may have gotten scammed on here but that's between you and the seller. In your other post you mentioned you had a problem with site because of it, this site is not ebay or paypal everything is between the buyer and seller. Marc simply provides a place to sell and buy stuff for free with and geared towards this industry. I would not doubt there is an occasional rip off but the same is true of Ebay.
Any ways tough that had to happen hopefully you will get your money back
Re: Got scammed on here :(
inkman, I do not mean to down the website. It's seems to be a decent place. It might be helpful to place some buying guidelines for people to review before doing business on here.
I know, I know, it should be common sense on what to look for, but sometimes we need a good reminder of how to engage on doing transactions with strangers.
I am just upset, and hope I did not offend. Thanks for the reply.
Re: Got scammed on here :(
BTW, it turns out the same guy has done this to someone else, and we are now working together to solve the problem hopefully. We'll see.
Re: Got scammed on here :(
Can you email the the member and the link to the thread? My info is in my profile and I may be able to help you.
Re: Got scammed on here :(
Email sent. Thanks
Re: Got scammed on here :(
I did as well, I feel for you. I have a feeling it was by the same person. Was the seller in Canada?
Thanks, Matt
Re: Got scammed on here :(
Would anyone be able to help me? I was scammed on this site as well.
Thanks, Matt
Re: Got scammed on here :(
I feel your pain trust me.
It sounds like a good course of action for you is to help this site by letting people know who the scammer is. So he does not use this site in the future again to rip someone off.
Good luck.
Re: Got scammed on here :(
Matt, email me any information you can and I'll do what I can. I can at least provide IP addresses but there are plenty of ways for people to get around that, but maybe these people aren't very bright and we can get to them. jkdbjj, I don't recall getting an email from you but our spam filter is really aggressive and I likely miss important emails because of it more often than I should.
Re: Got scammed on here :(
This guy has a different IP addy with all 5 different posts. Los Angeles, New York and Miami so it's going to be very difficult to do anything with the IP's. I'll dig a little deeper and see if he may have made a mistake somewhere.