After reading all this nonsense the past week Im glad I just ordered a new 12 color M&R Sportsman and Cayenne flash.
Rich Hoffman and Tim Foreman gave me a straight up deal and made me comfortable. They will take my press on trade and gave me a fair value.
I have no problem of trust giving them my money and have to worry about losing it. I will detail the transaction as it progresses. Delivery time is about 4 weeks from now. And no, M&R,Rich Hoffman or anyone else asked me to make this post. I dont get involved with post wars. I want someone who is looking for a new auto to see how my transaction goes. I will post the truth,no fabrications of any kind. If M&R screws up I will tell you. I will also post praise when due. To this point it has been a very satisfying transaction.
I will also give credit to Jose Tejada for being very profesional in the handling of the paperwork so far. More to come. Please do not bash this post as Im not bashing any other brand.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Update. Been very busy .however just want to give my after install update.
The machine arrived on Monday (2 weeks ago) The day it was said to arrive.
Our tech,Tony (who did my install on the 8 color) arrived on Tues. He was there all week to dismantle the old press and install the new one.
He was very careful to be sure everything was right.
We did a test print and all was good. No learning curve since we had a sportsman already.
I just had to get familiar with the touch screen.
We had a red chili already but did get a cayenee flash. That is one hell of a flash unit.
Here is where M&R shines. The cayenee arrived and one of the bulbs were broken. Tim Foreman(who I have known for years, great person) sent me out a bulb right away.
The press itself had no problems to report or didnt need any replacement or broken parts.
This is one of the main reasons we went with M&R again. I know I can make a phone call and get someone if there is a problem. Parts can be had in a day if needed. The realiability of the machine is second to none. I new my machine would be delivered and on time.
The machine has been running a week (everyday last week) and no problems to report.
Our shop made the right choice(again) and we look foward to our continued relationship with M&R.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
That's great news, if you didn't buy an M&R what would have been your second choice :confused:
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
That's what we're buying 3 of them!
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Welcome to the Blue Baller Team!
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
I think I was already part of the club since I already have a M&R.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
You pay more for the M&R, but you get what you pay for hands down, plus the depreciation and resale on M&R vs anything else is no contest. You made the right choice, you'll be very happy with that machine. Our first machine was a 10 color sporty, great machine, never let us down even when we started running it 24/7! Not to mention M&R service is outstanding.
Congrats man!
Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
The resale value of a sportsman is amazing. I dought any other auto press the age of mine would have had a higher resale value.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Just curious, did you look at any of the other brands, RPM, Anatol, MHM etc. and if so why did you decide on M&R?
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Yes we did, but I not going to discuss on a public forum. Since we had a sportsman M&R started at the top. We found no one else could knock them down the ladder.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Once you are happy..there is no reason to change.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Just a note. The press that is being traded in is a M&R Sportsman, so this is not new for us. We have had a auto for 6 years.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Love my Sportsman!
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
I remember your posts about it. You were more exited than me since I believe it was your first auto(correct me if Im wrong) We feel we made the right choice.(AGAIN)
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Yup, I was really excited, it was my first auto. I know you made the right move, I know I did too. Even though I probably will go bigger if things keep on this path.
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
That's IMPOSSIBLE... it clearly takes almost a year to NEVER to get your press after you pay for it. ;)
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Sorry, I meant 1 year, 4 weeks from now.
Just kidding, couldnt resist.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
This aint no mickey mouse ******** bro.
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Oh and the best part is, they will hit the ship window withing +/- 1 week AND there will be a tech there on time to install it! AND they will only charge you the agreed upon price on the contract!!
Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
But then how do they stay in business??
Oh, wait, you just answered that.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
The standard all others are measured against.
"We're just as good as an M&R"
"We're better than M&R"
'We're cheaper than M&R"
"We're gonna put M&R out of business"
.....Hello M&R, I'd like to order a press please :)
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
You forgot...
We use M&R squeegees/flood bars/Tri-Loc/pallets/etc
LOL. When half your promo videos have that sort of info in it, guess what.... M&R sells more presses.
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Oh and lets not forget the color blue, notice lately how all the new presses being pimped by someone are all blue?
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
The only thing he understands about a brand, is how to copy parts of it. Sadly its just a poor copy.... He has never, and will never understand the value of a brand. I knew that about him before ever meeting him. It was more clear after meeting him.
Ill stick with my blue color, Ill stick with people that DO exactly as they say or BETTER. Kudos M&R.
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Blue the color of choice?
Precison: Blue/Grey Trim
American: Blue Hammertone
Hix: Blue Hammertone
SPE: Blue Metallic
Autoroll: Blue
Argon: Two shades of Blue!
Adelco: Blue
Schenk: Blue
CMS: Blue
MHM: Blue
Printex: Blue
And a Hundred More All Over the World!
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Update, I was informed that the press and other equipment is being shipped today. They are shipping sooner than the original ship date. Now, thats a real company. My original post said about 4 weeks and M&R is on the money. Nice not to have to wait many months to get a great press. I will post again after arrival and during install next week.
Just a side note. My 8 color M&R is used every day, but this 12 color is going to get a good work out.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
That's how they do things. ALWAYS exceeding expectations.
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
He is just saying that to butter you up. He wants to order something soon. LOL
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
I want a Challenger III. Todd Promised me he had one in his back pack on my install, I was let down on that one. First time M&R ever let me down. LOL
Rich already knows what I have my eyes on, if things keep on this path the "little shop" that "couldn't" afford a auto to start with is going to have a monster in here.
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Interesting Winston how you chose a lot of presses not in our market and some old and one an example of what I am talking about. If you think Robert did not convince 2m to make the new Mustang blue for a reason well thats cool with you but most of us around here know the real reasons why some one does certain things.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Hello Inkman996!
Let me make this clear!
M&R has and continues to make GREAT screenprinting machines.
I am with You.
As far as what RWB does, or has done? I hope he stops the SCHITTTT,
and takes care of his family,and the issues in his life,and gets on the right
track! My hope for Everyone in life, who has chosen to make bad/unwise
decisions! I realize that their are no others on this board, that have made
bad/unwise decisions.
Using the color Blue? Smart business decision! Not my favorite, but I understand why he would do that! The way the states are voting, heck I
would copy Svecia and paint the machines Rainbow!
Originality in thought,machine design? Don't even go there!
I know where all the bodies are burried and how they got there, and by whom!
I must admit, people seem to be really passionate, on their machine choice
good or bad and like to spend alot of time talking about it. That's Cool.
I guess I am Old Skool, and am more interested in having fun, and making
money! I know making money, is not PC these days! Oil Well...
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
I wouldn't say that painting machines in blue are because all of those manufacturers just wants to copy M&R. If you know some professional specialized in branding, advertising, logos making, etc...then he will tell you: every color has some meaning and is unknowingly connected in our minds with specific feeling, intentions, acts, etc...
For example: red with aggression, hard work, strong emotions, among others..
Blue is a color generally liked the most by both men and women and also in our minds conveys and represents importance, confidence and stability. Have you ever thought why the police officers in almost every country in the world are dressed in blue? Being like that, blue (especially medium and darker shades) is for years the first choice for many corporate logos, machines paint, etc...
So I think that all of those manufacturers who painted their products in blue, all knew very well what they are doing and why, and just to copy M&R wasn't the reason here.
Anyway, M&R is making some very nice machines, that's true.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
I agree with all you said but I was not speaking of them just a certain 3 new machines on the market lately, we all know the real motive behind certain choices.
Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
There is nothing wrong with using blue. There is something wrong with HIS reason to use blue.
I think thats obvious though. But hey, let's recap his results. LOL.
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Re: Why I Bought A New M&R
Update- press came in Monday, right when I was told it would. The tech (Tony) came in today as promised and the old press dimantled and tomorrow the new one goes together.
So far so good, will post when everything is completed.