Printex vs M&R customer service

I have been giving some thought on what to say about Printex and the experience of buying a Spectrum verses buying my M&R Sportsman.
The Printex was paid for upfront in full and it took a long time that I had to play anlong with the date because I shot my mouth off and was STUCK with living a lie. For the true story we must start at the beginning.

In the spring of 2010 we in the market for new equipment and call Robert Barnes and spoke on and off several times. He then put together some ideas and pricing, a little bit later He paid for my son to fly out and visit an install. My son had never operated any preses othe than the Javelin brand, and was very impressed withe the features and Brian the tech. I than asked my son whats up, do you want this and he reply the seem nice, He was really impressed with brian and thought Robert Barnes was a little crazy.

Around this time a I get a call from Anatol, M&R and tell them I believe I am working with Barnes and Printex, But I am always looking to see what another brand can offer and go ahead and quote me, and they each do.
Robert call and I let him know that we are getting a few quotes and he state about the printex show shop of how we could be come one and the other companies won't take trade ins.
I really don't want to sell this used crap myself, been down that road a few times and I rather be printing. So Robert insist that if we buy from him that we could become a show shop and we would be the biggest thus far and with that we could buy in the future at wholesale if we would join in.
Here's where the shlt storm starts with the boards going back and forth. Robert Barnes told me you will be contacted by the haters and status quo, that when the here about better technology and better pricing and oh the most important one " better service" you will be harrassed. Yes I was contacted buy some people telling me to take a minute and just here our some of the other companies and I did set up times for them. The bantering of the boards went on for days and longer, Robert Barnes and I would speak multiple times a day.

Robert would start laying out a game plan of show shops that were going to be customer friendly and service oriented. I now LOL. Robert Barnes comes to Iowa and we have my attorney here and he spends time with us and I call him later and he says that he is uneasy with this whole situation and advises me against it, I tell him dude have some faith and vision. I sign the contract and go to the bank to wire barnes either 20k or 25 k and I pull out of the bank drive because I have second thought's, at that moment Robert call and I feel guilty and go ahead and make the wire.

I tell M&R more or less to f u c k off and Anatol the deal is already done with Printex and Robert Barnes.
That's when I feel like the old story of the pig and chicken at breakfast, wher the people want bacon and egg's and the chicken says what the big deal and the pig says for you its not its a donation for me it's a commitment, all in or out.
Well we were in and what a ride that has been, we have been ripped off and talked shlt about people I never met or heard off before all because of one guy's opinion. I wish I would of listen to alot of people on the boards here.

As of to date we are missing a 16 color Prism ll and our spectrums have problems and we have no parts. The only service is with Brian and he doesn't even work for the company anymore, he also was mising parts and a flash dryer.

If you are going to deal with Robert Barnes that is your choice and this is my story yours could be better. I paid all the money of my contrct except maybe 2k, He wanted me to pay 20k more for my 16 color Prism ll and buy a 12 color for 50k just so Printex could keep busy and he could clear up his debt.

United States

pushing ink wrote:
I have been giving some thought on what to say about Printex and the experience of buying a Spectrum verses buying my M&R Sportsman.
The Printex was paid for upfront in full and it took a long time that I had to play anlong with the date because I shot my mouth off and was STUCK with living a lie. For the true story we must start at the beginning.

In the spring of 2010 we in the market for new equipment and call Robert Barnes and spoke on and off several times. He then put together some ideas and pricing, a little bit later He paid for my son to fly out and visit an install. My son had never operated any preses othe than the Javelin brand, and was very impressed withe the features and Brian the tech. I than asked my son whats up, do you want this and he reply the seem nice, He was really impressed with brian and thought Robert Barnes was a little crazy.

Around this time a I get a call from Anatol, M&R and tell them I believe I am working with Barnes and Printex, But I am always looking to see what another brand can offer and go ahead and quote me, and they each do.
Robert call and I let him know that we are getting a few quotes and he state about the printex show shop of how we could be come one and the other companies won't take trade ins.
I really don't want to sell this used crap myself, been down that road a few times and I rather be printing. So Robert insist that if we buy from him that we could become a show shop and we would be the biggest thus far and with that we could buy in the future at wholesale if we would join in.
Here's where the shlt storm starts with the boards going back and forth. Robert Barnes told me you will be contacted by the haters and status quo, that when the here about better technology and better pricing and oh the most important one " better service" you will be harrassed. Yes I was contacted buy some people telling me to take a minute and just here our some of the other companies and I did set up times for them. The bantering of the boards went on for days and longer, Robert Barnes and I would speak multiple times a day.

Robert would start laying out a game plan of show shops that were going to be customer friendly and service oriented. I now LOL. Robert Barnes comes to Iowa and we have my attorney here and he spends time with us and I call him later and he says that he is uneasy with this whole situation and advises me against it, I tell him dude have some faith and vision. I sign the contract and go to the bank to wire barnes either 20k or 25 k and I pull out of the bank drive because I have second thought's, at that moment Robert call and I feel guilty and go ahead and make the wire.

I tell M&R more or less to f u c k off and Anatol the deal is already done with Printex and Robert Barnes.
That's when I feel like the old story of the pig and chicken at breakfast, wher the people want bacon and egg's and the chicken says what the big deal and the pig says for you its not its a donation for me it's a commitment, all in or out.
Well we were in and what a ride that has been, we have been ripped off and talked shlt about people I never met or heard off before all because of one guy's opinion. I wish I would of listen to alot of people on the boards here.

As of to date we are missing a 16 color Prism ll and our spectrums have problems and we have no parts. The only service is with Brian and he doesn't even work for the company anymore, he also was mising parts and a flash dryer.

If you are going to deal with Robert Barnes that is your choice and this is my story yours could be better. I paid all the money of my contrct except maybe 2k, He wanted me to pay 20k more for my 16 color Prism ll and buy a 12 color for 50k just so Printex could keep busy and he could clear up his debt.

I just could not do that and at that point I call Rich Hoffman, and said Merry Christmas you won. He said that hoped everything was going to work itself out. I kew that some nasty shlt was said about by me and Barnes and I made a public apology on these boards to him. I started to call 244 and talk and was suprised he would take my call but by this times Robert Barnes kicked us to the curb and had no answer we we would be getting our press and was getting annoyed with our calls. Robert was now selling the Mustang brand, and was trying to come up with the money to get a customers machine that he owed him for around a year. Robert was cut off from Printex until he sent them 140k, He says much less, either way I was F U C K E D and S.O.L.

At this point I asked Rich Hoffamn if our old quote was still good, he said the price would be slightly higher from 9 months ago. I arranged a tour at M&R with my family that works at the factory and we met 244 at M&R. I told my family I did nit know what to expect since I talked mega shlt about this company and Rich Hoffman. We we arrived I met with Randy and Rich and he gave us an ALL day tour and answered all questions until WE were done. I knew 10 minutes into the visit I would buy M&R forever. I now understand why people are loyal and protective of this company and of 244, He is one of the most passionate people about the future of growth in this business and in business in general that I ever met.
My wife hated Robert Barnes and his BS. I asked my wife about 244 and she said " now this guy nows how to run a business and he has a saying no time wasted" I rember when I told my wife that I bought from Robert Barnes she punched me in my face, not a tap either a full blow.

I told her that I was taking the building I built for Printex show shop just under 10,000 sq ft and was going to buy all M&R and that where 244 shows his true colors.

Rich Hoffman calls me and says I want to help you out and sends me a 10 color Sportsman in less that 5 days. I signed the contrct on valentines day and a few days later the press arrives and it is installed in 8hrs by one guy my Printex took a week with Robert and my son. The Sportsman has had NO problems and Rich can up about a week or so himself and taught my guys some technics and pointers. I wife told him her side of the Printex problems and he listened and told me if Barnes don't give you money back I will take theses in on trade.WOW wtf, I talked major crap about this guy and he takes my calls, comes to my shop and the price for his presses is about 7% higher.

You can get parts, the press is under warrenty and does what is says it will. You can take a free class at M&R and learn how to fix your press if you want. They have Free screen printing classes. You can call 244 when ever you need and he will help.
I was a fool not to visit M&R 10 month's ago, but I am not a fool today.
I can't even get Robert to take my call after giving him150k

pushing ink wrote:
Rich Hoffman calls me and says I want to help you out and sends me a 10 color Sportsman in less that 5 days. I signed the contrct on valentines day and a few days later the press arrives and it is installed in 8hrs by one guy my Printex took a week with Robert and my son. The Sportsman has had NO problems and Rich can up about a week or so himself and taught my guys some technics and pointers. I wife told him her side of the Printex problems and he listened and told me if Barnes don't give you money back I will take theses in on trade.WOW wtf, I talked major crap about this guy and he takes my calls, comes to my shop and the price for his presses is about 7% higher.

You can get parts, the press is under warrenty and does what is says it will. You can take a free class at M&R and learn how to fix your press if you want. They have Free screen printing classes. You can call 244 when ever you need and he will help.
I was a fool not to visit M&R 10 month's ago, but I am not a fool today.
I can't even get Robert to take my call after giving him150k

I spent about 4 hours in my office with 244, and that was all I needed to know that we bleed blue!

I have asked Printex and Barnes to refund my money and here 244 will if they don't. Rich could of said hey Jeff GFY and figure this crap on your own, you made your choice. Instead he has a vision , many people have sight only a few have vision. He help us out and we are forever gratful for his TIME and ADVISE.

Thank you Rich Hoffman for being the bigger man than I was and helping my family. Jeff

GraphicDisorder's picture

Jeff, it takes a big man to admit when he is wrong. Kudos.

I knew your experience would be so drastically different with M&R. I was excited for you when I heard you were going "blue". I know you will enjoy those presses for many years to come.

Good luck.

Graphic Disorder

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Hey Jeff, good luck, that is the best outline so far. Shows rich from MnR is the biggest for a reason. Hard pushed to find any owner of any capital goods manufacturer in any industry, not just screenprinting that will go that far for a customer, even given how it started out. I think Rich just sold another hundred autos off this thread. Brand loyalty, that's how you create it. Just like as printers, how to get and keep clients. Its not the cheapest shirt price, it it quality, service, commitment, passion, delivery, respect, transparency, after sales support, making good of mistakes etc. all these things remembered well after the fact of the lowest price. I love the stories where they all lived happily ever after......

Rich buying the machines, now I am hooked as to where this is going to go, can't wait for the next season / episode.........

Jeff, sounds like you finally get it!
I wouldn't expect anything less of Rich other than to try and help you out, by letting you trade in the Pritntex's, but I honestly think you need to take some ownership of this really bad choice you made with Robert, and get your money back and have ROBERT fix the mess with his presses. I suggest not bringing M&R into this, I think they have done more than enough....don't you?

Screen Printing Equipment - Sales and Service

Experience Matters


Whether you are looking to buy a new machine, a high quality used machine, or if you are trying to sell a machine, Spider Machines can help!

Robert Barnes has been dedicated to the screen printing industry for over 20 years. He is a highly connected individual, and very “in-the-know” with who’s who in our Industry. Whether you are buying-or-selling… Tell Robert what you want, the price range you feel comfortable with, and watch him go. Robert typically follows every deal from breakdown through delivery, installation, and is often present to assist with training and printing techniques.

Now keep in mind that we do not deal in junk. We do not buy junk nor do we sell junk. Junk is just that… JUNK!!!

pushing ink wrote:
screen printing equipment - sales and service

experience matters


whether you are looking to buy a new machine, a high quality used machine, or if you are trying to sell a machine, spider machines can help!

Robert barnes has been dedicated to the screen printing industry for over 20 years. He is a highly connected individual, and very “in-the-know” with who’s who in our industry. Whether you are buying-or-selling… tell robert what you want, the price range you feel comfortable with, and watch him go. Robert typically follows every deal from breakdown through delivery, installation, and is often present to assist with training and printing techniques.

Now keep in mind that we do not deal in junk. We do not buy junk nor do we sell junk. Junk is just that… junk!!!

This is such BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!