Barnes Mustang /M&R bashing

The Bumper's picture

If you are thinking of purchasing any type of screen printing equipment, I highly advise you to stay clear of Robert Barnes from Spider Machines. He sells Printex,Mustang Printers and has several business fronts.

Since your purchase is going to be a very big decision, I recommend that you research Robert Barnes so that you can see for yourself, that he has not only stolen from printing companies, but has also sold equipment falsely advertised as well as not working properly, or not even delivered the equipment.
Below is a quick copy and past of a few members here on this forum that will honestly tell their story of how Robert Barnes has ripped them off. I suggest that you take a few moments to read it, and if you follow up by contacting these people, they will surely convince you not to do business with him or his company!

Robert Barnes goes by many alias' on this forum...more than can be counted.
Ask the following people on this forum about their experience with Robert Barnes, or private message me here!

pushingink I am the guy who you stole my 80k if ANYONE want to call me and discuss 563-593-4654 Jeff
Andrew at Printex EU (Andrews cell Number in Poland) 01148 668 136 652 This guys says that Robert Barnes owes Printex EU a lot of $$$

Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652

I just don't understand! I am dumbfounded.....
Why not sell on your merits! Without bringing in M&R. People don't like it.
I am in competition with M&R! And I don't like it.
I really,really ,really hoped you'd get it, turn over a new leaf for your beautifull
children's sake if not your own. Such a talent gone, when it didn't have too!!!
Unless you have a backdoor commision deal with Rich on profits, Good Cop/Bad Cop?
Has to be! You just raised his sales another $5,000,000.00 if not more!
Still shakin my head,

Check out this little exchange that happened last night.

So, I get a text message from Barnes... just some youtube link of one of his videos.

This is the conversation that follows (all with in 10 mins) verbatim:

Me: "Are things so bad you are spamming your phone contact list?"

RWB: "Sorry... Wrong guy (please ignore the txt msg)... What did I send you :-o"

Me: "youtube spam"

RWB: "ignore"

Me: "I always do. ;-)"

RWB: "Dude STOP txt msging me ... I am sorry you receive an incorrect txt please STOP !!"

Me: "Wtfe"

LOL... what a clown... such a drama queen.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

srimonogramming wrote:
Classic Gilligan. That don't make no sense, like wiping your butt before you poop.

Bollucks. It worked a treat. Here it is posted, being viewed and we are all talking Mustang. With respect it's not that bad to MnR and I think probably fair, but it could have just been sold on its own merits without mentioning them, just say other brands if you have to.

I love the 2M machines, and I believe the RPM Mustang is better than maybe the sportsman, but not as good as CIII. It has it's place and level, and it can be sold on its own merits just like that without the comparison. It would have been simple to sell it on its own. Without the reference to MnR it means less time talking about the mustang. It's a fantastic machine and there is heaps to talk about with this machine on its own.

But essentially I didn't find this video that offensive, and overall well done.

7/10 :)

Printwizard wrote:
Bollucks. It worked a treat. Here it is posted, being viewed and we are all talking Mustang. With respect it's not that bad to MnR and I think probably fair, but it could have just been sold on its own merits without mentioning them, just say other brands if you have to.

I love the 2M machines, and I believe the RPM Mustang is better than maybe the sportsman, but not as good as CIII. It has it's place and level, and it can be sold on its own merits just like that without the comparison. It would have been simple to sell it on its own. Without the reference to MnR it means less time talking about the mustang. It's a fantastic machine and there is heaps to talk about with this machine on its own.

But essentially I didn't find this video that offensive, and overall well done.

7/10 :)

Bollocks! I like the sound of that word!
The 2M machines are nice machines, No Doubt! Rick F. will get a nice spike
in sales as well. Good for him! It is like fine food. Quality is a given,so
presentation,service,ambience,etc. is critical. If the waiter brings the chef's
special to you,and wipes his nose into his hair,or blows gas in your face when
he picks up the fork he droped,wipes it off and hands it to you with big smile
and then says ENJOY? Have you ever heard the saying "I can't hear what you
are saying because your actions are so loud"? I am for ANYONE who is crazy
enough to enter this industry and cast their lott. It keeps things fresh! Just
hopefully do it with a little cooth.
ps. congrats on that 790 lbs tuna you fellow "Kiwi" caught, in a 18' boat
no doubt! Talk about going after Mobey **** with a jar of tarter sauce, in a
row boat.

Oh the irony...

Printwizard wrote:

I love the 2M machines, and I believe the RPM Mustang is better than maybe the sportsman, but not as good as CIII. It has it's place and level, and it can be sold on its own merits just like that without the comparison.

I didn't have time to watch the whole video but........I was waiting for the machine to index while he was talking.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Oh show shops, that went so well last time, lol.

Looks like I struck a nerve with that Harley comment, you see he doesn't understand at all the value of a brand, thus will never understand how to build one correctly. Harley while sure may not be the most reliable bike you can buy, but a Honda is not a Harley folks....we all understand that, he doesn't. People don't buy a Harley because it's reliable. They buy it because its a Harley, one of the great brands of america. People buy M&R because its proven, its priced fairly, its got a support system second to none, and its an american company.

BTW when did the economy crash again? He's been hobbling around on that "M&R needs to sell every press they can" BS for a few years now. Last I checked they are still doing business as usual and he can't even make a youtube without mentioning them. Winnar M&R. At some point, he really is going to need to find some new material on M&R. So far its been proven to be nothing but hot air.

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

GraphicDisorder wrote:
Oh show shops, that went so well last time, lol.

Looks like I struck a nerve with that Harley comment, you see he doesn't understand at all the value of a brand, thus will never understand how to build one correctly. Harley while sure may not be the most reliable bike you can buy, but a Honda is not a Harley folks....we all understand that, he doesn't. People don't buy a Harley because it's reliable. They buy it because its a Harley, one of the great brands of america. People buy M&R because its proven, its priced fairly, its got a support system second to none, and its an american company.

BTW when did the economy crash again? He's been hobbling around on that "M&R needs to sell every press they can" BS for a few years now. Last I checked they are still doing business as usual and he can't even make a youtube without mentioning them. Winnar M&R. At some point, he really is going to need to find some new material on M&R. So far its been proven to be nothing but hot air.

The thing to remember is that Robert Barnes is in a federal lawsuit with M&R and he has RIPPED off customers and not supported what they did finally get. Also that the Mustang press has many issues already. I like the part where he was "asked" to put together this video by the people at Mustang, like who his alter ego? Robert only has Robert for installs and when he installed my press he used a ton of shimms and I have alot of issues with the presses that Robert Barnes sold me. Listen if you buy a press for RWB you have a good chance that you money will be stolen. If you where going to buy a Mustang a couple of things to ask is WHO owns the company and if they have parts available and WHO is in control of handling those parts.

I bought the "better technology than the M&R" and ended up buying an M&R after because Robert's press is cheaply built. Now Robert want's to use cheaper parts on the Mustang also.

Ask yourself if you want to take the chance of being ripped to save a few thousand dollars, I have lost over 80k and have less than presses and no service or parts, That is what Robert Barnes did to my company.

M&R came in afterward and FIXED our situation buy selling us QUALITY presses and EXCELLENT SERVICE and SUPPORT!!

M&R has hundred's of employees and 40+ service techs and the most important factor is that RICH HOFFMAN personally guarantee's the contract, try having Robert Barnes do that. Did I mention he is being SUED and his Progressive company was 6 weeks from banksupsy before Workhorse bought it.. ask them.

Why the block on the treasured classic "Mobey ****"
I was not talking about Mobey's willie!
Have some "respect" for Richard M. Nixon "known as ****!

The vid was not really all that inflammatory for a Barnes post but I will say it was riddled with Hypocrisies end to end. He simply accuses all others of exactly what he is well known for. He needs to push M&R attachments as being interchangeable with his machines but he cannot actually admit the reason why this is so is because M&R is the most trusted and bought brand in the country, instead he eludes to M&R as having a monopoly on the market.

What I think about is Apple rejecting Flash and standing by that move, how many people predicted the demise of the IPAD because of no flash? Just about everyone, yet IPAD is still the strongest selling Tablet on the market, they did not bow down to other industry standards to sell their product, their product stands on its own and continues to dominate.

GraphicDisorder's picture

inkman996 wrote:
The vid was not really all that inflammatory for a Barnes post but I will say it was riddled with Hypocrisies end to end. He simply accuses all others of exactly what he is well known for. He needs to push M&R attachments as being interchangeable with his machines but he cannot actually admit the reason why this is so is because M&R is the most trusted and bought brand in the country, instead he eludes to M&R as having a monopoly on the market.

What I think about is Apple rejecting Flash and standing by that move, how many people predicted the demise of the IPAD because of no flash? Just about everyone, yet IPAD is still the strongest selling Tablet on the market, they did not bow down to other industry standards to sell their product, their product stands on its own and continues to dominate.


Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

inkman996 wrote:
The vid was not really all that inflammatory for a Barnes post but I will say it was riddled with Hypocrisies end to end. He simply accuses all others of exactly what he is well known for. He needs to push M&R attachments as being interchangeable with his machines but he cannot actually admit the reason why this is so is because M&R is the most trusted and bought brand in the country, instead he eludes to M&R as having a monopoly on the market.

What I think about is Apple rejecting Flash and standing by that move, how many people predicted the demise of the IPAD because of no flash? Just about everyone, yet IPAD is still the strongest selling Tablet on the market, they did not bow down to other industry standards to sell their product, their product stands on its own and continues to dominate.

Mike, I think it's fair to mention the interchangeable components for the reason that any shop that may have three old gauntlets getting tired and wanting to trade up and maybe looking at sportsman versus RPM or Mustang may look at their inventory of squeegees, floods, kids pallets, bag pallets, adult pallets, large pallets, double sleeve pallets, long levee pallets, and could conceivably own 20k of interchangeable hardware. That's a benefit not replicating a new setup cost, especially if you have any custom made pallets.
Second point, I rushed out and got iPad and still wish it had flash, and a
USB port especially. It's still better than android, but room for improvement.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Printwizard wrote:
Mike, I think it's fair to mention the interchangeable components for the reason that any shop that may have three old gauntlets getting tired and wanting to trade up and maybe looking at sportsman versus RPM or Mustang may look at their inventory of squeegees, floods, kids pallets, bag pallets, adult pallets, large pallets, double sleeve pallets, long levee pallets, and could conceivably own 20k of interchangeable hardware. That's a benefit not replicating a new setup cost, especially if you have any custom made pallets.
Second point, I rushed out and got iPad and still wish it had flash, and a
USB port especially. It's still better than android, but room for improvement.

Mentioning it interchanges with it just would make me want to look closer at the "standard" and that's exactly what Robert did for me, he made me look harder at M&R. Was a super easy choice after that.

As far as iPad example. It's proven that a great product not only can but will change the industry standards on how things are done. If whatever Robert was pimping was that good, it would change it. Apparently the people have spoken over and over on that subject. Reality is tough sometimes. I know that it must be hard for him to idolize Rich, and fall so short.

Graphic Disorder

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srimonogramming's picture

I love the old Harley references all the time. The other day I was at the park with my son. It was 78 degrees outside, Saturday, and about every 5 minutes you could hear a motorcycle coming down the road. You could hear them from half a mile away, you know that sound, you know exactly what brand it is. Overall, I saw about 10 bikes go by and 9 out of those 10 were Harley's, and I thought of the times that Robert says that so many manufacturers make a better bike than Harley. While that may be true, why were 9 of those 10 bikes a Harley Davidson? Robert would have you believe that 9 of those people were idiots that don't have a clue about motorcycles. I think we all know that Harley may not be on the "cutting edge" of technology, but they build a bike that appeals to the majority of American bikers, it's very reliable, it makes people feel good, the sound is like no other, there are hundreds of reasons why people choose Harley over Honda. But some people would have you believe that one negative should cover up all the positives.

If I were buying a bike based on winning a cross country race, I wouldn't buy a Harley. If I were buying a bike for 50% off road riding and 50% road, I'd not buy a Harley. But what do the majority of bikers do on a typical ride? The Harley excels at doing what the majority of bikers want to do, and then put in what Brandt brought up with THE BRAND and you have a success that you cannot argue with. KTM makes a great product, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha (one of my favorites), Suzuki, Triumph, Ducati, I could go on and on, they all do, but when it comes time for me to buy a road bike, I will be going down to the nearest Harley dealership and riding away with an HD, no damn doubt about it. It's not the fastest, the most reliable, the cheapest, the quietest, the smoothest, but I think I will get more gratification out of riding that motorcycle than any other and it's not even close.

GraphicDisorder's picture

srimonogramming wrote:
I love the old Harley references all the time. The other day I was at the park with my son. It was 78 degrees outside, Saturday, and about every 5 minutes you could hear a motorcycle coming down the road. You could hear them from half a mile away, you know that sound, you know exactly what brand it is. Overall, I saw about 10 bikes go by and 9 out of those 10 were Harley's, and I thought of the times that Robert says that so many manufacturers make a better bike than Harley. While that may be true, why were 9 of those 10 bikes a Harley Davidson? Robert would have you believe that 9 of those people were idiots that don't have a clue about motorcycles. I think we all know that Harley may not be on the "cutting edge" of technology, but they build a bike that appeals to the majority of American bikers, it's very reliable, it makes people feel good, the sound is like no other, there are hundreds of reasons why people choose Harley over Honda. But some people would have you believe that one negative should cover up all the positives.

If I were buying a bike based on winning a cross country race, I wouldn't buy a Harley. If I were buying a bike for 50% off road riding and 50% road, I'd not buy a Harley. But what do the majority of bikers do on a typical ride? The Harley excels at doing what the majority of bikers want to do, and then put in what Brandt brought up with THE BRAND and you have a success that you cannot argue with. KTM makes a great product, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha (one of my favorites), Suzuki, Triumph, Ducati, I could go on and on, they all do, but when it comes time for me to buy a road bike, I will be going down to the nearest Harley dealership and riding away with an HD, no damn doubt about it. It's not the fastest, the most reliable, the cheapest, the quietest, the smoothest, but I think I will get more gratification out of riding that motorcycle than any other and it's not even close.


Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

Great words!!!
I forgot Triumph!
I would like a Royal Enfield made in India. Old,Old Scbool
I spent time lately with a RPM and it is sweet.
I hope they dont get up with "misconceptions" of a really
good machine.

Brand is important.
I love my Harley! I would also like a Bmw,Ktm
but in time,in time. A brand is only as good
as its support,service. Nothing wrong with a
Honda eithwr,but not my style.I have put on
a lot miles,and know lots of people who
ride Hogs and would not be caught dead rideing
with a Gullwing! I dont understand it.But they
are the ones that usually work behind a cubicle
and have all of the latest attire to look like a bad
azz on the weekend and ride five miles to a biker bar
owned by Hilton, and show their new skulls. I would
rather ride,anywhere,anytime,with anyone on any
brand! To each his own. The same applied to the
screen print industry. It does blow my mind how
two good companies choose their representation,
and might face big problems, if they are not care
full. Time will tell. it always does.

GraphicDisorder's picture

californiadreamin wrote:
Brand is important.
I love my Harley! I would also like a Bmw,Ktm
but in time,in time. A brand is only as good
as its support,service. Nothing wrong with a
Honda eithwr,but not my style.I have put on
a lot miles,and know lots of people who
ride Hogs and would not be caught dead rideing
with a Gullwing! I dont understand it.But they
are the ones that usually work behind a cubicle
and have all of the latest attire to look like a bad
azz on the weekend and ride five miles to a biker bar
owned by Hilton, and show their new skulls. I would
rather ride,anywhere,anytime,with anyone on any
brand! To each his own. The same applied to the
screen print industry. It does blow my mind how
two good companies choose their representation,
and might face big problems, if they are not care
full. Time will tell. it always does.

I am with you for sure, id ride anything, it is about the ride. BUT, I dont think anyone could argue that when you get on a Harley you get a different feeling. People want that. They have developed the brand, others have tried to copy it. It's not worked on the same level. People may buy a Mustang, but ultimately it will be supported by Robert. :eek:

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

californiadreamin wrote:
Brand is important.
I love my Harley! I would also like a Bmw,Ktm
but in time,in time. A brand is only as good
as its support,service. Nothing wrong with a
Honda eithwr,but not my style.I have put on
a lot miles,and know lots of people who
ride Hogs and would not be caught dead rideing
with a Gullwing! I dont understand it.But they
are the ones that usually work behind a cubicle
and have all of the latest attire to look like a bad
azz on the weekend and ride five miles to a biker bar
owned by Hilton, and show their new skulls. I would
rather ride,anywhere,anytime,with anyone on any
brand! To each his own. The same applied to the
screen print industry. It does blow my mind how
two good companies choose their representation,
and might face big problems, if they are not care
full. Time will tell. it always does.

We call them Bar Hopper Harleys

And the cubicle guys with the snazzy HD leathers, gloves, chaps, skull caps etc we call them weekend warriors.

inkman996 wrote:
We call them Bar Hopper Harleys

And the cubicle guys with the snazzy HD leathers, gloves, chaps, skull caps etc we call them weekend warriors.

Thats them Inkman!!!
For you bikers, of any brand or kustom culture fans
a FYI a famly friend named Lyle Fiske a well known
artist who started with Big Daddy Ed Roth,Von Dutch
and the like, is returning back to SoCal this month.
He has been helping his son and daughter inlaw start
an incredible org. called the Wounded Warrior Project.
here in Jacksonville,Fl. Lyle is a young 70 years old.
If you ever have the chance to use his servces, you
will be blown away! Google his name for a look at his

Evo's picture

I made it all of 15 seconds through that video. I can't even stand his voice.

It doesn't matter that he's talking about Mustang or any other brand. The fact is for me, (and I'm sure it's the same with many people) - I would never buy what he's selling.

If he became the sole sales rep for M&R, I would look for another brand.

Seems like a Hail Mary, desperation video. Apparently he is screwed so he went back to his basic trash talking of M&R because he knows the equipment he's repping can't compare. His reputation as a negative person has far outweighed any positive he might offer. All he'll ever be is a Rich Hoffman wanna be.

Made-in-the-USA - Robert Barnes is known in the Industry as
the Technician's Technician. Expert diagnosic skills with PLC &
Servo integration and over a decade of on-site Repair of M&R TM
Formula TM, Challenger II TM, Gauntlet II TM, etc.

this on his website!

When the iPad came out I never heard them talking about how crappy the competition was... oh wait, they were such a game changer they had none. Clearly that's not the case here.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."