How to Protect Yourself when Purchasing Capital Equipment by buying MnR

Only buy MnR, the rest is all trash and cant be trusted, no network, stink websites and just plain silly. Theyre smaller companies which means theyre no good. Only MnR has 24/7 helpline. Try getting sorted out on thanksgiving day with another brand, wont happen. Every MnR machine is legend, every other brand could break down and might need parts sometime.

Nuff said.

United States

tonypep wrote:
Well I have Anatol and Progressive now and guess what........your right. Ok maybe not to that extent but sorry no comparison.
And yes the service is a huge issue. When I always have to take digital pictures of the problem and have to wait weeks for a tech sorry thats a big deal. I had to get a local machine shop to retro fit an indexer and beef it up. Service was not much help and couldn't even identify the problem.
Nice people though
At least to me.

Hey Tony, that's my point. I run some machines that are the only two here, and we help Australia with their one, in Europe the MFG is in Italy and they would service, but with good local contractors we have no issues, these are very big screenprint machines, not much change out of €2 mil each and very technical. But good sparkles and engineers make the downtime minimal, it's all common sense to them what looks overwhelming to us, so I think that point is a boogie-monster made up as a marketing ploy that in reality is a small barrier to overcome. These guys who are local are used to working on bigger, scarier and more technical machines than these. I find them much cheaper in some instances as well as quicker. I have a drier and an exposure unit both repaired quicker and about sixty pent cheaper than the local company here which manufactured them. The sparky was about a hundred dollars EACH cheaper per quartz tube for my drier, the ceramic holders were about $1 each versus $30 a pair, and they could work on my exposure in house without taking back to the MFG who had a four hour minimum charge. The point is we don't have to rely on "their network" and there may be better solutions locally. Emphasis on MAY.

Wizard you got a real bug up your a$$ for some reason over rich's statement. His statement again is generic and can,apply to any reputable company in any industry yet you think he is attacking 2m lol. Seems you have the Barnes paranoia syndrome.

If you are so confidant in 2m then forget the competition and let the machine earn its market share on its own merit, why the hell are you so freaking concerned anyways? Your in NZ and your going to bring a decent machine to that market and M&R is not exactly huge down there you should do fine.

inkman996 wrote:
Seems you have the Barnes paranoia syndrome.

If you are so confidant in 2m then forget the competition and let the machine earn its market share on its own merit, why the hell are you so freaking concerned anyways? Your in NZ and your going to bring a decent machine to that market and M&R is not exactly huge down there you should do fine.


Man, as Barnes always says... put down the koolaid! ;)

It's not healthy bro.

Lots of companies make good gear, you have to evaluate what is important for you and your shop. If you want to rely on local tradesmen to work on your gear than knock yourself out... hell, buy an "alpha" china sporty and roll the dice. But if you are like Gerry (no offense) and not mechanically inclined, then maybe that is something you should weigh and make your decision based on the fact that if sh|t breaks, you want/NEED it fixed and don't need to spend time in the yellow pages looking up an electrician or a plumber or HVAC guy to sort out whatever... besides you likely won't know what the problem is until SOMEONE else gets in there to start with to see if it is even electrical, mechanical or pneumatic.

Now there are guys like us that given some duct tape and spit we probably can get anything to spin... but you know this WAY before you read Rich's thread and I don't think your thread served them any purpose either.

Just saying... you look paranoid and like you have a chip on your shoulder.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Prosperi-Tees's picture

Hey I resemble that remark! Seriously though it is about time and what it's worth. I'd rather have someone that knows exactly what they are doing on a press than me fiddle farting around trying to figure it out. Given enough time in sure I could probably fix anything but it would probably take me 50 times longer, that's why I don't mess with stuff. Lol.

The Bumper's picture

Man PW, Why don't you just let the machine speak for itself...the one that you're selling? Same old flippin' drivel that Robert Barnes would pitch to everyone.
Seriously maybe you should just focus on your market and not worry about what goes on over here on the U.S soil. Because this whiny thread of yours is seriously falling on deaf ears.
I'll pass on your offer for your free couch bro!
Have a good one.

Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
Hey I resemble that remark! Seriously though it is about time and what it's worth. I'd rather have someone that knows exactly what they are doing on a press than me fiddle farting around trying to figure it out. Given enough time in sure I could probably fix anything but it would probably take me 50 times longer, that's why I don't mess with stuff. Lol.

Hey, I can't draw an f'ing stick figure to save my life.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses... just got to dance with what you got... knowing where to call in someone else is better than thinking you can do it yourself and getting yourself in a worse situation.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Well I have Anatol and Progressive now and guess what........your right. Ok maybe not to that extent but sorry no comparison.
And yes the service is a huge issue. When I always have to take digital pictures of the problem and have to wait weeks for a tech sorry thats a big deal. I had to get a local machine shop to retro fit an indexer and beef it up. Service was not much help and couldn't even identify the problem.
Nice people though
At least to me.

printwizard wrote:
only buy mnr, the rest is all trash and cant be trusted, no network, stink websites and just plain silly. Theyre smaller companies which means theyre no good. Only mnr has 24/7 helpline. Try getting sorted out on thanksgiving day with another brand, wont happen. Every mnr machine is legend, every other brand could break down and might need parts sometime.

Nuff said.

you are getting smarter!!:)