This should be fun!

So! It Looks like it is going to be Obama vs. Romney , Like It Or Not..
Who are you going to pull the lever for? Or are you going to sit it out?
The WHY is not the question,because we don't want to blow up Digitsmith.
If you are shy and don't want to mention a "either or", you can give a hint
like : Obama can kiss my A$$. Kapeech!
Let the games begin!

United States

Petrol $3.05 USD a litre in HK, $1.80 USD a litre in NZ.

I like Obama; but like any party that wins, they are dealing with international turmoil and markets and balancing foreign duties and policies which effects local and domestic economy and policy. I predict portugul, Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Spain and Italy will effect us moreso and determine government and treasury policy for us mores than domestic market pressures. Whoever wins an election these days is doomed to please few with thir responsibilities to their countries futures as everyone faces hard decisions.

Or are you going to sit it out?

Our "democracy" is a joke.

Kurt Vonnegut said it best "you have two gangs, one of them are going to beat you up and take your money, if you don't decide which one then they say that you can't complain about getting beat up and robbed." Seems foolish when put in context.

I won't take part in this farce.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

The way I view this is "All politicians" suck. Oboma is a big Hoover. Bush was a giant Eureka. If you have personal interaction with all the programs for every little mole, fart, hangnail, the government class wants to be provided for, you will rapidly come to the same conclusion, unless you are on the gravy train. Yes, I mean medi-anything or social security, or are a teacher, commission flunky, authority buttwipe, or any of the ungodly myriad of governmental agencies.

Lazy turds want to be secure for life on other peoples backs.

Now let me tell you how I really feel. Semi-retired. Yay.

californiadreamin wrote:
So! It Looks like it is going to be Obama vs. Romney , Like It Or Not..
Who are you going to pull the lever for? Or are you going to sit it out?
The WHY is not the question,because we don't want to blow up Digitsmith.
If you are shy and don't want to mention a "either or", you can give a hint
like : Obama can kiss my A$$. Kapeech!
Let the games begin!

I say we get Bill Clinton back in office.The economy was kicking *** when he was in office. If you opt to sit out, That is a vote for Obama. If you never ran a business how can you run the country's budget? I think Donald Trump would be better than what we have. I saw his interview asking him if he would stay in Iraq if he was president. He said: Only if we get their oil. Smart man. We help people with never anything in return. It should not cost us a dime to straighten out another country. We should have just taken their oil.

Naive and rather hypocritical.

Clinton never ran a business but you want him back because that was when the economy was at it's finest?

Either you don't need to have run a business to run the country's budget or the president really doesn't have that much influence over the economy.

I believe that latter.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Being North of your border I won't toss in my full $.02, suffice it to say our perspective is a little different from here.

I hope whoever you get does a good job helping those who need it, keeping the rules solid for those who would exploit them and help your country dig out of this recession. Whoever it is will have some tough decisions to make that will, no doubt, not please everyone.

Binkspot's picture

Lets not forget Clinton's economy did so well because he convinced Greenspan to relax regulations that kept financial institution in check. This eventually lead to the implosion of the whole system.

We are all doomed if Obama says in. If you think gas at $4 a gallon is bad just wait. It will give him a chance to finish cramming all his hope and change down our throat.
1. Obama care, great idea but the way it is structured will only lead to poor health care, bigger deficit, less doctors, longer waits, etc. Just to run the system they will have to hire 600+ more to work at the IRS (why does the health care system need more IRS agents) in addition to the health care managers.
2. Spent more in one year then any other President did during a four year term.
3. Trying to push new regulations through for coal burning power plants which will increase the cost of electric 40% or more. These are the same regulations the house threw out last year.
4. Has stopped the construction of the new pipe line that would have delivered oil from Canada and helped us depend less on the Middle East. Canada will now build the pipe line to their West Coast so they may export it to Russia and China.
5. Has stopped or slowed the drilling for oil in the Northern Mid West (it was mandated by Bush that due to the rising oil prices companies to start drilling). There have been two major oil discovery's in the past 20 years, one off the East coast of Australia, the other Mid West USA. Both much larger then the fields in the Middle East. The Mid West field has the potential to supply us with all the oil we need for over 150 years.
6. Just recently started allowing oil exploration in the Gulf again, almost a year after the Horizon spill.
7. Big government out of control=more taxes.

Shall I continue.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Oil field is BOOMING down here.

My wife's cousin owns a Pipe inspection company and they are ridiculously busy up in North Dakota. They have more work than they can do actually.

Oil field isn't "struggling" like they try to portray it... it's WELL alive and kicking!

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

spotcolorsupply's picture

Gilligan wrote:
Our "democracy" is a joke.

You do know we are not a democracy.... Right?

The US is a republic ;) :eek:

There was a time that the term democrat was an insult... If you were a democrat you pandered to the ignorant masses... Well I guess that hasn’t changed much... Either way, I don’t usually get in to the political debates, just wanted to point out that we are not a democracy...

Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120

Binkspot's picture

Gilligan wrote:
Oil field is BOOMING down here.

My wife's cousin owns a Pipe inspection company and they are ridiculously busy up in North Dakota. They have more work than they can do actually.

Oil field isn't "struggling" like they try to portray it... it's WELL alive and kicking!

Did not mean to imply the patch was struggling. New exploration permits were put on hold for almost a year due to Deep Water Horizon, this has resulted is in a drop in vessel and rig utilization that is just now starting to grow again. There should not have been a hold placed on exploration when crude prices have been so high.

The North Dakota is indeed a hot spot. More equipment has been moved there in the past two years then in Alaska in the past 20. This area is just the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the region needs to be opened up to extract crude to help us break free from the Middle East.

I do not enjoy paying $4 a gallon for gas knowing full well we are sitting on reserves that make the Middle East look like a drop in the bucket. Everything is affected by the price of crude. My grocery bill is a good example, in the past year it has gone up over 50%. This has effected many other choices we have to make every day.

Just saying.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Im going to make a comment as an Englishman living in Europe. I mean no offense by this and I admire America greatly.
Reading this post and the Whinging and Moaning about the price of petrol. Have you any idea how lucky you are?? You are now paying under $4 a Gallon, a gift. And you are moaning. We , in Europe , have just passed $8 a US gallon and its going up.
Be grateful your petrol is so Cheap....

Technically Earl.

BUT, the price is a little more complicated than that.

I read an article a while back when gas was only like 2 bucks a gallon that broke it all down.

Our cost of "keeping the peace" in the middle east and keeping those prices "low" cost us as tax payers WAY more. We probably pay more like in the teens per gallon once you factor in all the REAL cost (subsidies and tax breaks for oil companies) of keeping those prices "low".

I personally would rather pay it up front nad KNOW what I'm paying for. I'd also rather see my money spent purely on the petrol than putting our men and women in harms way all too often under these false pretenses.

But speaking of $4 bucks and the ol' "memory hole"... we have a billboard around here that has "remember this face when you are paying $4/gallon" and it has a pic of Obama's head. I guess they forgot that it was over $4 bucks a gallon at the end of Bush's term and actually DROPPED a LOT when Obama came in. If he's at fault for it being $4 today then Bush was at fault then and Obama must have been responsible for it being so low after he took office. OR, maybe neither had much to do with any of that. ;)

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

srimonogramming's picture

I know a lot of members here voted for "Change" and "Hope" and I did not, but I'll admit that I got caught up in the Obama thing once he was elected. He sure sounded like he had something and we were going to be going places. Damn, I had no idea we were going to go in reverse and the economy was going to go even further in the tank. I know it's been harder on us small businesses since he's been elected. My next vote will go for the candidate that will help the nation's small businesses survive and turn this country around, even if I don't agree with any other part of their campaign. I may need to think on this a little longer however, keep ya posted.

Gilligan wrote:

We probably pay more like in the teens per gallon once you factor in all the REAL cost (subsidies and tax breaks for oil companies) of keeping those prices "low".

These are hidden costs

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spotcolorsupply wrote:
You do know we are not a democracy.... Right?

The US is a republic ;) :eek:

There was a time that the term democrat was an insult... If you were a democrat you pandered to the ignorant masses... Well I guess that hasn’t changed much... Either way, I don’t usually get in to the political debates, just wanted to point out that we are not a democracy...

Of course I know this... and that is half of the joke there.

We go around the world "spreading democracy" yet we don't even have it.

Again, Kurt Vonnegut is a genius (understatement, I know)... In jest he said we are great to teach the world about democracy, first you start it off with a genocide, then 100 years later you give black men the right to vote, then 50 years after that you give the women the right to vote. Certainly we are the shinning example of how to build a "free" society.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Brian, we paid $4 bucks a gallon at the end of Bush also... I'm not sure it has much to do with the Horizon and the lack of permits given out. People quickly forget that things weren't that much better when "Mr. Jones was in charge".

George Orwell was another genius.

Alan, I felt like when Obama actually got in office that is when things really started to show how he wasn't and couldn't do what he promised. I don't think it mattered who got elected... things were going to get worse before they got better. Probably still are.

In fact things were so bad at the time that it came down to just McCain and Obama that I quickly stated "if either of these clowns still WANT to win this election I don't trust them. No one wants to be handed this giant turd".

This was BEFORE Obama was elected, this was just after the democratic primaries... so I'm not jumping on the bandwagon of "Obama inherited this from Bush"... I subscribed to whoever won was going to be inheriting this from Bush. I wouldn't have wanted the gig!

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

That's the tip of the iceberg, but it is a glimpse.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

They are all a bunch of crooks. One thing is for sure, the Pres can not do it himself, the house and the senate have been the biggest bunch of a$$holes I've seen for a long time. In my opinion, neither side has it right, and the exporting of jobs for the last so many years has got us by the balls. The Republicans have some really bad ideas on policy, that's for sure. I think it's Mich where they have basically taken away the right of it's citizens to vote on issues in certain cities. The whole woman and life thing, thought we were past that. They need to do something about the unfair trade between us and China. No President is going to fix this **** we got ourselves into, it's going to take a change of the people, a revolution sort-of-speak...change in government, tax codes, import/export.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Please take this as nice as possible. I mean not offense. But..... people that blame presidents are like people blaming quarterbacks for the other team scoring. Presidents don't run this country, the real problems with this country go far deeper than the president.

BTW im not defending Obama or anyone else. It's broken from top to bottom.

Graphic Disorder

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I will vote (begrudgingly) for Romney. Obama is a joke. Whether or not Romney will win will come down to his VP pick.

Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.

That is unless Vermin Supreme gets on the ticket!

Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.