By sydney.fedesna on
Apr. 23, 2012
I am looking for any advice/tips on embroidering on nylon dog collars. Is there a certain type needle that I should use? Maximum ply thickness of the Nylon? Best method for hooping/clamping? Anything to watch out for?
Any help you guys can give is always GREATLY appreciated!!
Two Socks Designs
Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs
Re: Embroidering on Dog Collars?
I use the clamps from hoop tech for that type of work. I keep a sample of nylon webbing work so I can show the customer that the backside will show the top color and bobbin color since I don't wind and run colored bobbins.
Re: Embroidering on Dog Collars?
you should be able to use the regular needles - probably hoop on a small one - nothing to watch out for - it will depend on the thickness of the material - flexible good luck
Re: Embroidering on Dog Collars?
I would use clips, like fast frame stuff vs trying to actually hoop them.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroidering on Dog Collars?
fast frames actuall make a special hoop for dog collars and army name tags.