By Ghostwork Ink on
Apr. 27, 2012
I had came across an Epson 4800 on Craigslist for $200, just got it today..Thought it was a pretty good steal for a fairly new printer like that..
Ive been using a HP 5000 laser to do my films, only up to 11x17..
I'm very unfamiliar on how a rip works and the over all difference in the quality of the film..
I know the rip tricks the printer so it'll allow all black ink..But why isnt one black cartridge enough? The old print shop i worked at had a Epson 2something, with out a rip, a photo black ink and a regular black, and it printed the most beautiful films, with out a rip.. We had it on a particular print/paper setting..
Any help will be useful, thanks
United States
Re: Rip Softwear help!
my Epson 1400 with accurip uses all 6 carts, so none of the heads get clogged over time
before I had my rip I used to use ghost-rip a freeware for my halftone prints, but for my spot colors I made rich black color, c 99, m 99, y 99, k 100% and never had problems even on my 10000 watt exposure unit.
Re: Rip Softwear help!
You don't need a rip unless you want to print halftones. Even then there are workarounds to it. Otherwise just play with the settings to get a dense print. You will want to get refillable carts for it and maybe run clear solution in the color carts as without a rip you will suck ink out of all carts when printing black.
Re: Rip Softwear help!
My printer has an option for "grey scale" in the settings. I'm fairly certain that it doesn't print with the CMY when using that option. Or in other words... my films "look" "black". ;)
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Rip Softwear help!
My Epson 1400 still sucks ink out of all cartridges regardless of settings. Even if it were just for cleanings its gonna use em.