

I am in Ontario Canada and have been looking to get into the embroidery business for quite some time . Because I am new to the embroidery business I am looking to purchase a good used machine . But what I am finding is the prices in Canada for a used machine are a little high for my liking . I don't seem to understand why the prices vary so much . For example A Amaya Bravo 16 needle goes for around $ 8995.00 in the US and all I have to do is take a drive , only issue is the warranty is no good once I cross the border . But almost worth it cause the price up here is almost 14,000 , that is a huge difference . So if anyone is reading this post , they can understand my frustration . As I said I am looking for used so if anyone has anything and doesn't mind telling me about it I am all ears .:D


The Bravo is the Same Price in Canada as it is in USA. Not sure but check with Embroidery Systems Canada they have offices across Canada they sell it for the same price plus USA shipping and they have great service & support.