Manual shop for sale

castro valley, ca, United States

Changing careers selling everything, Chaparral 6 color 6 station all heads down manual press, 16x 20 flash with new element, all heavy duty gear no plastic here, harco exposure unit with spare bulb, omni cure conveyer dryer by printa, printa backlit washout booth, about 30 gallons of ink, emultion, about 50 screens different sizes, epson 1400, have digital art solutions installed in my computer can negotiate about 10 volumes of their artwork boxes of shirts, hoodies, hix heat press 16 x 20
1st person gets great deal
8000.00 obo takes it all
Located in SAn Francisco Bay Area

There are 14 Comments

If I can work out a way of getting it, I am interested in taking the whole lot, including the embroidery.

omni cure conveyor dryer is 220 and heat press is the hix ht600d

Press equiped with side clamps and micro registration workhorse carries parts for these presses but you'll never need them built out of metal no plastic more stuff then mentioned

Sorry not at this time, The Smart Designer package from Digital art solution alone is worth half the asking price

Ok willing to sell Dryer seperate 1500.00 takes it they sell for 4000.00 new
whole package for 7000.00 without the software and artwork