Action Engineering is very pleased to announce the development of two new Zipper Hoodie Pallet Designs.
Both of the new designs include a load side geometry that perfectly matches the hood and shoulder seam. This improved geometry allows you to very accurately load your zippered hoodie garment and affords the ability to print all the way up to the should seam and the Hoodie/ neck seam.
Additionally, the new improved front geometry is being coupled with our Double Half Wing Geometry to allow you to print over the entire face of the Hoodie and slightly out onto the sleeves. Both of these pallets are available in body widths of 12, 14, 16, 18, & 20 inches.
For more information on these new pallet designs please see our new products section of our website at
Thank you -
Action Engineering, Inc.
Sales & Marketing Team
Thank you everyone for 20 fantastic years supplying production accessories to garment decorators!
Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584