Riley Hopkins 4/4 Press with Joysticks
Wood Pallets
2 Oversize Pallets for all over printing too
16X16 Flash Unit 110 volt
24X8 Caps Conveyor Dryer with Fan on Top
Belt in Great Condition
2 Panel Heat
Washout Booth
Aprrox. 15-20 Screens (20x24 & 23x31)
All but 4 or 5 are Alum.
Exposure Unit
Non-Vaccum, but lid can be added I am told
8 Blub style with Timer in front
Foam included for both frame sizes mentioned
Epson 1400 with BlackMaxx and Accurip Program
With purchase you can have the inks we have on hand as well as any other shop supplies you need.
For above we are asking $7500 (obo)
Items are all located in Orange Park
Shipping may be an option but you have to pack and ship yourself
Add a custom website that is up and running with shopping cart and the works for another $2000 (obo).
We are open to offers!
We are selling these items on behalf of somone who is out of the business now. We will try to answer any and all questions you may have. We have personally printed on these machines to make sure they work and have no Known issues.
Todd Harris
Last Adam Wear