Woooooooooow look at all the online users!!

Funny how all of the sudden the online user's list has lit up like a friggin sunbeam!!

United States

Renagade wrote:
CP - this forum doesn't have any rules, so it has turned into a free for all, a real shame as it has the greatest potential out of them all :(

Are you a child? Do you really need someone to spell it out for you that spamming is wrong?

screenprintguy wrote:
Just admit it guys, you all love it when Robert comes on a board full force. This place was dead till he came back around. And to see how many people have come out of the wood works just shows that everyone posting, more than likely, checks this place daily, just to see if he is around. It's actually pretty hilarious. I wonder how much production time is lost in shops around the country because of all of the super posting. hahaahaha, it's all pretty funny you gotta admit.

It's most entertaining and damn funny when Barney gets certain people's panties in a wad, so i agree. I sometimes think there are a few who do business or have contact with Barnes just so they can play games and have drama on the forums, kind of pathetic when you think about it LOL, but I hope they keep it up so I can get a few more laughs. :D

We missed ya Barney. :D

Collective Clothing wrote:
Hey should have his own section here just for these guys.

Yea right, they tried that over at SPOF and you saw what happened there...

Renagade wrote:
LOL ... Mustang is very popular :D

Really?! Is your website on fire?

Something tells me that though this forum maybe lit up, your website(s) is still a ghost town.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Robert, do yourself and 2M a favor and stop all the nonsense! If the press cannot speak for itself then don't think you running your mouth will help as it will only hurt as indicated by all of the nonsense that has gone down today.

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
Robert, do yourself and 2M a favor and stop all the nonsense! If the press cannot speak for itself then don't think you running your mouth will help as it will only hurt as indicated by all of the nonsense that has gone down today.

Why did you buy a Mustang? Surely these M&R lovers won't want you start a new thread about it, maybe you should wait until you actually have a 2M product before you open your mouth, oops you have a 2004 Rhino built by 2M :p

See customizable even a 2m user trying to speak some sense to Robert gets attacked by him. He has no respect for past or current customers just future customers, but all future customers become past customers then forgotten. Sad really

Wonder why it is taking almost a year to install a press that he even snapped pictures of many months ago? Let's see his double talk when he try's to explain that

inkman996 wrote:
See customizable even a 2m user trying to speak some sense to Robert gets attacked by him. He has no respect for past or current customers just future customers, but all future customers become past customers then forgotten. Sad really

Wonder why it is taking almost a year to install a press that he even snapped pictures of many months ago? Let's see his double talk when he try's to explain that

Wasn't there another lawsuit?

To be clear:

1) Yes we have a Rhino and RWB and Maruisz have been nothing but helpful. They have definitely done more than should be expected considering we bought it used and it is a great press.

2) It would be foolish to talk about a Mustang that I do not have and have yet to use and form any reasonable conclusions about.

3) I think both sides of this debate are acting ridiculous but since I somewhat know Robert and nobody on the other side Robert is the only one I can call out on this ridiculousness.

4) If you (RWB) would stop throwing fuel on the fire and simply posted pictures of the Mustang and discussed what it has to offer and ceased the bashing of individuals and companies everyone would be better for it. Unfortunately for whatever reason all of your get off going back and forth as if you are actually doing something beneficial. I am starting to think all of you are out of your minds.

Renagade wrote:
CP - this forum doesn't have any rules, so it has turned into a free for all, a real shame as it has the greatest potential out of them all :(

That does not mean that you join in the free for all. As someone trying to bring innovation to the industry it would help if you also elevated the way you made known said innovations. I get the feeling that I am repeating myself. Do you get that same feeling?

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
That does not mean that you join in the free for all. As someone trying to bring innovation to the industry it would help if you also elevated the way you made known said innovations. I get the feeling that I am repeating myself. Do you get that same feeling?

Let's try it, you start a thread on why you bought a Mustang even though these guys went on and on about RWB?

You might want to mention that "hate" isn't welcomed in your thread, none of them would reply LOL

You didn't even make it past 1 did you? Point 2 will tell you why it would be foolish for me to talk about a Mustang right now.

And how about YOU TRY IT! I am not trying to bust your chops here I just think you have something to offer the industry but when you get in these ridiculous ******* matches you leave yourself no chance of regaining any hint of credibility.

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
You didn't even make it past 1 did you? Point 2 will tell you why it would be foolish for me to talk about a Mustang right now.

And how about YOU TRY IT! I am not trying to bust your chops here I just think you have something to offer the industry but when you get in these ridiculous ******* matches you leave yourself no chance of regaining any hint of credibility.

Once credibility has been lost, in most cases only time AND action, will
help regain trust. Trust CAN NOT be commanded or else! Our friend has failed
to see this. He is fighting a battle inside, that I don't even want to imagine.
His battle is not against 244 /others, but himself! He CAN be redeamed,But
NOT by HIS way! Period. He is talented. No doubt! But unless he reverses his
course, It will be a tough road. Much tougher than it had to be.We ALL have fallen,but we can also choose NOT to fall again.

californiadreamin wrote:
Once credibility has been lost, in most cases only time AND action, will
help regain trust. Trust CAN NOT be commanded or else! Our friend has failed
to see this. He is fighting a battle inside, that I don't even want to imagine.
His battle is not against 244 /others, but himself! He CAN be redeamed,But
NOT by HIS way! Period. He is talented. No doubt! But unless he reverses his
course, It will be a tough road. Much tougher than it had to be.We ALL have fallen,but we can also choose NOT to fall again.

Some things just can't be fixed! ...all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put RWB back together again!

Just admit it guys, you all love it when Robert comes on a board full force. This place was dead till he came back around. And to see how many people have come out of the wood works just shows that everyone posting, more than likely, checks this place daily, just to see if he is around. It's actually pretty hilarious. I wonder how much production time is lost in shops around the country because of all of the super posting. hahaahaha, it's all pretty funny you gotta admit.