Forum flaming

Flaming this board is not the answer you know full well you can embed all these videos into one concise post instead of clogging the board.

If I was mod I would delete all this and warn you to learn how to post correctly. Its nothing against you but to allow other people with other non RWB related issues to post. No Robert not everything is about you imagine that.

Binkspot's picture

I would be ****** as hell if I was trying to sell or buy something and it kept getting bumped especially if it was something other then screen printing equipment.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

srimonogramming's picture

We have a products promotions section that I personally wouldn't mind if he posted videos there. I don't know everyone else's thoughts on that. I think most would just rather him not be here at all but I'm ok with him here in a normal (sane) capacity. Gorilla marketing just makes us all mad and does him no good. If he posted a video a day and proper discussion followed then we'd all learn from it, but unfortunately it doesn't happen that way.

srimonogramming wrote:
We have a products promotions section that I personally wouldn't mind if he posted videos there. I don't know everyone else's thoughts on that. I think most would just rather him not be here at all but I'm ok with him here in a normal (sane) capacity. Gorilla marketing just makes us all mad and does him no good. If he posted a video a day and proper discussion followed then we'd all learn from it, but unfortunately it doesn't happen that way.

I am with you Alan. I know I have learned a thing or two from Robert and think he has much to offer if he and others could just act civilized and with integrity. The Robert I know in person and on the phone is quite unlike the Robert on this forum.

Binkspot's picture

Point being if the 200 post a day did not bump all the stuff people are selling down to the bottom in the "New Post" or Today's Post" that would be fine. Maybe have a sticky pop up in the "New Post" section alerting there has been an update to the Discussion section but not have the whole page filled up in 5 min with product promotion.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

I think you mite be missing the big picture here Alan, the way he markets and makes an arse out of himself and his family is bothering but could be tolerated. However the way he scams people out of there money, has hurt peoples reputations and business', and the way he turns people in our industry against each other is unacceptable, and no forum should allow him the space nor time to carry on his games. How many more peple need to get hurt, and does DS want to be part of that?

srimonogramming wrote:
We have a products promotions section that I personally wouldn't mind if he posted videos there. I don't know everyone else's thoughts on that. I think most would just rather him not be here at all but I'm ok with him here in a normal (sane) capacity. Gorilla marketing just makes us all mad and does him no good. If he posted a video a day and proper discussion followed then we'd all learn from it, but unfortunately it doesn't happen that way.


If you are thinking of purchasing any type of screen printing equipment, I highly advise you to stay clear of Robert Barnes from Spider Machines. He sells Printex,Mustang Printers and has several business fronts.

Since your purchase is going to be a very big decision, I recommend that you research Robert Barnes so that you can see for yourself, that he has not only stolen from printing companies, but has also sold equipment falsely advertised as well as not working properly, or not even delivered the equipment.
Below is a quick copy and past of a few members here on this forum that will honestly tell their story of how Robert Barnes has ripped them off. I suggest that you take a few moments to read it, and if you follow up by contacting these people, they will surely convince you not to do business with him or his company!

Robert Barnes goes by many alias' on this forum...more than can be counted.
Ask the following people on this forum about their experience with Robert Barnes, or private message me here!

Andrew at Printex EU (Andrews cell Number in Poland) 01148 668 136 652 This guys says that Robert Barnes owes Printex EU a lot of $$$
Like __________________
Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652


Robert barnes is a theif, PERIOD! He likes to try and wear Alan down, He thinks Alan is the weak one and only if he will give him a chance to prove that everybody is out to get him , things would be better. That the real "Bad Person" is M&R and Rich Hoffman. Rich has caused all of Robert problems. If Rich would just have a print challenge and a phone conversation with Barnes he too would like and learn to love Robert!

The fact is this guy ROBERT BARNES has stolen over 200k of MONEY in the last 2 years.

He stole 80,000 from me and if you think I am joking I will emaill all the info! Don not buy from him

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
The Robert I know in person and on the phone is quite unlike the Robert on this forum.

But they are the same person. Action speaks louder than words.
Evo's picture

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
The Robert I know in person and on the phone is quite unlike the Robert on this forum.

So which one is real?

I agree with Alan if he keeps his posts informative and ethical. It is to much work for a mod like Alan to go in to all his posts and edit out the garbage so it is easier to just delete.

He can't post with out trying to incite the critics so I think he does it on purpose so the S H I T hits the fan and he gets deleted, then he gets to call himself a martyr.

I think people need to stop trying to talk sense to him because he is smart enough to know why things are the way they are and what he could do to change it, he has made it completely obvious he prefers the controversy he feeds off of it more tha he does pimping machines.

GraphicDisorder's picture

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
I am with you Alan. I know I have learned a thing or two from Robert and think he has much to offer if he and others could just act civilized and with integrity. The Robert I know in person and on the phone is quite unlike the Robert on this forum.

You can't be two different people, you are a sum of your actions/behaviors. That's the reality. He is what he is, as a whole. Nothing more, nothing less.

Graphic Disorder

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GraphicDisorder's picture

inkman996 wrote:

I think people need to stop trying to talk sense to him because he is smart enough to know why things are the way they are and what he could do to change it, he has made it completely obvious he prefers the controversy he feeds off of it more tha he does pimping machines.

Folks he wants things the way they are, that's the only way that he can garner any attention. He hasn't been able to bring to market on his own doing or by others doing, a machine that garners attention like several other manufactures. So since he is unable to do that, he has to be dramatic and blow things out of context/per-portion/rational/etc. This is the only way he can even get someone to read his drivel.

Knowing what he has done to his friends/family/people close to him just so he can try to be the screen print Jesus, only to become the joke of the whole industry is funny and sad at the same time.

Graphic Disorder

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srimonogramming's picture

None of you are ever going to tell me something I don't already know about all of this Robert mess, believe me. I understand what you are saying, but here is something to think about...this forum is not mine. I merely try (in my spare time) to try and keep it as civil as I can. I have a wife, a 2 year old, work 60-70 hours a week on regular weeks and 70-80 hours a week when I do the screen printing classes. I do not think I have the right to say what should stay or go, who should be allowed here and who shouldn't, but I try to minimize a mess as best I can. If any of you want a heavy handed moderator all you have to do is contact Marc, tell him what you want and then he can decide to remove me or get additional mods in here. Trust me, it won't hurt my feelings at all to lose mod status, I've got enough responsibility to keep me busy for the rest of my life.

As we've all seen, Robert posts here and all hell breaks loose. Any good PR that he does is quickly erased by those who have been done wrong by him, and those who have all witnessed all of this stuff second hand. I don't like what's been done to Leon, Jeff, Mike, a guy in Alabama, etc. any more than anyone else, I guess I just don't know what the best way to keep it from happening again would be. Robert isn't going to stop trying to sell presses, no matter what anyone says on this forum, so it's always been my opinion to let everyone speak their piece and let those others form their own opinions based off of info posted on this site. I really don't see how letting Robert post here is aiding him with his goal of selling presses. If someone who doesn't know of Robert Barnes gets on this site, he will quickly get a taste of what his peers think about him. I can promise you that the PR Robert gets from this site hurts his sales way more than it helps him. How could you read through one page of one of his threads and think to yourself, "wow, that is one hell of a guy, I'd love to do business with him", or, "I'd feel very comfortable giving that guy a check for $100K"? But I don't make the rules, and if I'm going about this the wrong way, I can certainly get the hell out of the way and let someone else get blasted with PM's all day, it would be one less thing I have to deal with.

srimonogramming wrote:
None of you are ever going to tell me something I don't already know about all of this Robert mess, believe me. I understand what you are saying, but here is something to think about...this forum is not mine. I merely try (in my spare time) to try and keep it as civil as I can. I have a wife, a 2 year old, work 60-70 hours a week on regular weeks and 70-80 hours a week when I do the screen printing classes. I do not think I have the right to say what should stay or go, who should be allowed here and who shouldn't, but I try to minimize a mess as best I can. If any of you want a heavy handed moderator all you have to do is contact Marc, tell him what you want and then he can decide to remove me or get additional mods in here. Trust me, it won't hurt my feelings at all to lose mod status, I've got enough responsibility to keep me busy for the rest of my life.

As we've all seen, Robert posts here and all hell breaks loose. Any good PR that he does is quickly erased by those who have been done wrong by him, and those who have all witnessed all of this stuff second hand. I don't like what's been done to Leon, Jeff, Mike, a guy in Alabama, etc. any more than anyone else, I guess I just don't know what the best way to keep it from happening again would be. Robert isn't going to stop trying to sell presses, no matter what anyone says on this forum, so it's always been my opinion to let everyone speak their piece and let those others form their own opinions based off of info posted on this site. I really don't see how letting Robert post here is aiding him with his goal of selling presses. If someone who doesn't know of Robert Barnes gets on this site, he will quickly get a taste of what his peers think about him. I can promise you that the PR Robert gets from this site hurts his sales way more than it helps him. How could you read through one page of one of his threads and think to yourself, "wow, that is one hell of a guy, I'd love to do business with him", or, "I'd feel very comfortable giving that guy a check for $100K"? But I don't make the rules, and if I'm going about this the wrong way, I can certainly get the hell out of the way and let someone else get blasted with PM's all day, it would be one less thing I have to deal with.

Glreat Words Allen!
I am in total agreement.
Keep up the Good Work!

srimonogramming wrote:
None of you are ever going to tell me something I don't already know about all of this Robert mess, believe me. I understand what you are saying, but here is something to think about...this forum is not mine. I merely try (in my spare time) to try and keep it as civil as I can. I have a wife, a 2 year old, work 60-70 hours a week on regular weeks and 70-80 hours a week when I do the screen printing classes. I do not think I have the right to say what should stay or go, who should be allowed here and who shouldn't, but I try to minimize a mess as best I can. If any of you want a heavy handed moderator all you have to do is contact Marc, tell him what you want and then he can decide to remove me or get additional mods in here. Trust me, it won't hurt my feelings at all to lose mod status, I've got enough responsibility to keep me busy for the rest of my life.

As we've all seen, Robert posts here and all hell breaks loose. Any good PR that he does is quickly erased by those who have been done wrong by him, and those who have all witnessed all of this stuff second hand. I don't like what's been done to Leon, Jeff, Mike, a guy in Alabama, etc. any more than anyone else, I guess I just don't know what the best way to keep it from happening again would be. Robert isn't going to stop trying to sell presses, no matter what anyone says on this forum, so it's always been my opinion to let everyone speak their piece and let those others form their own opinions based off of info posted on this site. I really don't see how letting Robert post here is aiding him with his goal of selling presses. If someone who doesn't know of Robert Barnes gets on this site, he will quickly get a taste of what his peers think about him. I can promise you that the PR Robert gets from this site hurts his sales way more than it helps him. How could you read through one page of one of his threads and think to yourself, "wow, that is one hell of a guy, I'd love to do business with him", or, "I'd feel very comfortable giving that guy a check for $100K"? But I don't make the rules, and if I'm going about this the wrong way, I can certainly get the hell out of the way and let someone else get blasted with PM's all day, it would be one less thing I have to deal with.

Alan I have to say speaking for my self I have no problems with your modding in fact I eluded to the fact its more than a person like you should have to deal with. No one has the time to moderate his stuff with a sharp knife so the blunt one has to come out such is the way it is and he knows it fully.

I totally agree his gorilla marketing here probably hurts his sales and rep much more than help, sad 2M folks or long gone Printex could not see that and force him to behave for their own sakes.

I would help with modding if Marc allowed me to, unlike what some might think i would not be any more heavy handed than Alan when it comes to useful posts, if it is useless and derogatory then yes it would get cut it has no purpose.

GraphicDisorder's picture

I dare some one to give me mod/admin control. Every time I have been a mod or admin on a forum I have quickly been able to remove the problems, I live at my computer. Nobody here spends as much time at a computer as me I promise you that.

Oh and I am all for productive posting, even from Robert even though ive yet to see any, so if I was given power (given his past), he would be allowed 1 shot. Exactly 1. Any misstep, even one it would be all over for him, he'd never see a post or screen name here last more than a few minutes. Not hours, days, weeks, or months. Minutes max. He'd be a rat in a cage.

Graphic Disorder

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I agree that actions speak louder than words. This is why I have simply asked Robert to be as helpful and informative on the forums as he has been on the phone and in our shop. I think the problem is that he can put up a post about the Mustang and people start slinging sh*t and he loses all control.

So I think your principle applies to all equally (not just Robert). If someone calls the Mustang a piece of sh*t as soon as he posts up a pic about it how would you expect him to respond, especially when they speak positively about 2M machines out of the other side of their mouth.

And Robert don't reply to this with something stupid as I have come to expect!

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
I agree that actions speak louder than words. This is why I have simply asked Robert to be as helpful and informative on the forums as he has been on the phone and in our shop. I think the problem is that he can put up a post about the Mustang and people start slinging sh*t and he loses all control.

So I think your principle applies to all equally (not just Robert). If someone calls the Mustang a piece of sh*t as soon as he posts up a pic about it how would you expect him to respond, especially when they speak positively about 2M machines out of the other side of their mouth.

And Robert don't reply to this with something stupid as I have come to expect!

CP! You seem to be reasonable. You cannot expect people who feel they have
been wronged, to not respond. I can tell you that if you through gas on a fire,
there will be a bigger fire. People who do not show remorse for their actions,and
continue to behave less than normal, will be treated as abnormal.Robert needs
someone like yourself to be in the forefront. Not him! Time and action will tell
the correct story. The "good book" says a good,healthy tree, does not produce
bad fruit,and a bad,unhealthy tree does not produce good fruit! All the vision,
talent,passion,etc. in the world does no one any good, if the way it is carried
out is suspect. If one vouches, for a another person,wisdom says they had really
better know that person. If not,well.....

I completely agree with you! The Father is the true vinedresser so there is always hope. With that in mind I am hoping Robert can prune those branches that are bearing fruit so that they can bear more (to keep your analogy going).

I must be clear and say that I do not presume to speak or vouch for Robert or anyone else other than myself.

I also think that those who have been wronged in the Printex mess deserve justice, I am just not so sure if they are going about it the correct way. But then again I am not aware of all that went down and can understand their frustration and lashing out at Robert.

Along with the Printex mess I also have to acknowledge that Robert's long lasting relationship with 2M is proof that he can sell presses and maintain happy clients so I have to assume that something went wrong with his relationship with Printex EU and that is preventing those wronged from receiving what is rightfully due to them. Then again I am only guessing so my commentary on this is ultimately worthless (which I am happy to acknowledge). But I still cannot help but wonder given that Robert has always tried to do right by us (and others have told me the same) but these were situations where Printex was not in the picture so I guess ultimately time will tell and the Mustang will help to place the Printex mess in its proper context.

But then again what do I know.

californiadreamin wrote:
CP! You seem to be reasonable. You cannot expect people who feel they have
been wronged, to not respond. I can tell you that if you through gas on a fire,
there will be a bigger fire. People who do not show remorse for their actions,and
continue to behave less than normal, will be treated as abnormal.Robert needs
someone like yourself to be in the forefront. Not him! Time and action will tell
the correct story. The "good book" says a good,healthy tree, does not produce
bad fruit,and a bad,unhealthy tree does not produce good fruit! All the vision,
talent,passion,etc. in the world does no one any good, if the way it is carried
out is suspect. If one vouches, for a another person,wisdom says they had really
better know that person. If not,well.....