Help Finding Wholesalers

Help. :confused: I am new to this, and need to locate the best (cheapest) wholesalers. Too many out there call themselves "wholesalers", but they are cheap retailers. I am presently focusing on baby items (diaper bags, etc), but not only. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. Right now, I am getting desperate to find a diaper bag distributor.

Hi Angelstiches,

Just thought we would drop you a note: We are in Fort Worth. While we cannot supply you bags, we do offer many services you maybe interested in:

We do chenille, tackle twill, foil, glitter, rhinestones (not recommended for babies and small children) all over screening, and decals.

Thank you for your time

We attended America's Mart in Altanta. You can find info on it at Do you know of any wholesaler marts closer to you? It is great to go see all the products instead of a picture on a website.

Calibrated's picture

I have a list of garment suppliers on my site that you may find helpful. You need have a wholesale vendors license to purchase from wholesale garment suppliers.

To see the list Click Here.

jcsmaxfitness's picture

You might want to check out Port Authority out of Seattle, WA. I am not too sure where you are located but this is where I get all of my material from.

Wine Valley Graphics
"Fine Taste Is Our Specialty"

Please will someone tell me where I can buy thread that is not shiny....I have been an embroider for years and have finally run out of thread. My cones say Brilliant Polyester and if I look for that its all shiny. I run a Meistergram 800XLM and they are touchy to say the least. I would appreciate any and all help. Thanks...;)

BarbieB wrote:
Please will someone tell me where I can buy thread that is not shiny....I have been an embroider for years and have finally run out of thread. My cones say Brilliant Polyester and if I look for that its all shiny. I run a Meistergram 800XLM and they are touchy to say the least. I would appreciate any and all help. Thanks...;)

"Shiny" Poly is still POLY. Try running Rayon thread instead. Rayon is what your machine is designed to run.

We manufacture almost any type of garments. We quote based on volume, materials and size specifications. We also have our own TAZ Hawk Compact Automated Printing Machine, Workhorse Manual Printing Machine and Amaya XTS for Embroidery. Email us at

Wholesale Infant and Toddler blanks, 100% cotton, Polyester/Cotton Blend, 100% Polyester, Interlock knit, 1x1 Rib, 2x1 Rib
One Piece, Hats, Gowns, Bibs, Burp Cloths, Blankets, Dresses, T-Shirts

Angela Toepfer
1412 E Borchard Ave** Santa Ana CA* USA* 92705
714 966 2396 Ext 304***** 888 Layette***** Fax 714* 540 1415
ONLINE ORDERING available at