Used Screen Printing Equip in GA

United States

I have the following items for sale in North Georgia

4 color 4 station manual press with micro registration
6 color 4 station manual press
2 - 8 foot Harco sierra 2400 ovens
2 - Black Flash units
Lawson screen burning unit
Large wash out tank
Hix heat press and Stahls pro block lettering, 6 & 8 inch numbers
and much more.

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figgment wrote:
I have the following items for sale in North Georgia

4 color 4 station manual press with micro registration
6 color 4 station manual press
2 - 8 foot Harco sierra 2400 ovens
2 - Black Flash units
Lawson screen burning unit
Large wash out tank
Hix heat press and Stahls pro block lettering, 6 & 8 inch numbers
and much more.

Please email me if the manual presses are still available.

Please give manual press brand names and the year each press was made.


Off Da Hook Sportswear
Custom-Printed Photo T-shirts for Any Occasion!

I'm interested in one press and the heat press and lettering, call me if you want to sell still and give me a price.
David Robison

I'm in Georgia as well.