I am probably way behind most you embroiderers. I still only have my Pfaff 7570. However, I love techi stuff and did purchase the new Floriani software for digitizing and have many designs on CD's which I have purchased over the years. I did so because everyone assured me I would have no probem finding the Amazing Box Maxi. Not so, they seem to be obsolete.
My problem is that I can not use my Floriani with my Pfaff. My new PC does not recognize my Pfaff software so my only solution is to find someone who has an Amazing Box Maxi they no longer use and would be willing to sell at a reasonable price. I would be most greatful if there is someone out there who has one.
Thank you for allowing me the chance to post my request.
Re: Need Help
With Floriani Software - you can open a design (Whether yours or another company), then save it into any format that you would need for your machine. Not sure what your Pfaff software would do, but once you have the design into the format for the Pfaff, you should be able to open in the Pfaff software and transfer to your machine. If you have any problem understanding or just need some help, because I may not understand exactly what you need, please email me at Pearcarl@aol.com. At any rate - let me know if this helps. Good luck and Blessings.