American Tempo - 25x38 and (5) 39x43 Diamond Chase Retensionable Frames

Missoula, MT, United States

1989 American Tempo 2538 Flatstock Press

It's in very good condition- well cared for and surprisingly clean. Parts still available from AWT/GPI or, better yet, Aero.

Reason for selling: we also have a Cameo on the shop floor and need to free up some precious space asap for staging.

Comes with 5 39"x43" Diamond Chase retensionable frames. These are the type where you load the mesh with a locking rod and use an allen or standard wrench to tighten around the perimeter. Eino/Diamond Chase still offer parts for these frames and sell them new as well.

Taking best reasonable offer for the press.

FOB Missoula, MT 59802

You can look up weight for the unit with AWT/GPI. If you do not have a freight account we can run a quote for your through ours. We have a loading dock and pallet jacks to load.

When we sell a piece of equipment we always use a contract- straight ahead and smooth for both parties.

See pics and video here and email with any additional ?s.



Video is here:

Additional Pics are here:

There are 4 Comments

Hey there Peter. The Cameo is a 2230. I was actually hoping to keep the cameo, but if you're interested in it shot me an email.

Also, I clicked the "fix shakiness" option on the youtube upload so I apologize if anyone feels like they are on mild hallucinogens when watching the video.