By caseyscutecreations on
Oct. 20, 2012
I'm fairly new to embroidery however I'm using it A LOT! I have even started a small home business and made quiet a bit of money (for a hobby :D) There is just one thing I can NOT for the life of me figure out- please help! I have 5D Basic embroidery software and when I use fonts I have purchased online there are threads that are not inside the letters if this makes any since... I think I'm trying to ask about trimming but i'm just not sure if that's what it is called. When the stitch outside the letter is very long it's like it put a knot in the middle of the long jump stitch (??) Sorry about all the wrong terms. I'm trying.. Any help?? Thanks in advance
Re: lettering help
If it is putting in a knot then possibly you are talking about "tie offs". Some software has a length set and if it goes beyond a certain set length it will automatically put in ties or trims etc... I would check in your software if there are settings for length of stitch or jumps in relation to tie offs or trims. I do my own tie offs and manually set my trims so in my software I have that option turned off. I do everything manually so that the software doesn't put something in where I really don't want it. I have more control over it that way.
Re: lettering help
Sometimes you can get some underlay stitches that don't end up where they are supposed to be. I'm not familiar with your software but check your underlay stitch length and if you are using parallel, perpendicular, zig zag, contour etc. underlay.