By MickDuffs on
Oct. 17, 2007
United States
I'm a very small brewery owner and I'm looking for a simple pad printer that can print a one color 4" x 4.5" oval logo onto a glass beer bottle. I would like to buy a manual pad printer but it seems my logo is too large for every model I can find. Does anybody have a pad printer that would work for me? Or any suggestions? Thanks -Mickey Mahoney
Please email me at mickeyatmickduffdotcom
There are 3 Comments
Re: I'm looking for a pad printer
I have a machine that will meet your needs/ Please give me a call to discuss. 716-597-8190 Randal McCoy
Re: I'm looking for a pad printer
I have some used printex pad printers for sale, ask for Scott at 760-274-4731.
Re: I'm looking for a pad printer
I have 3 2-color pad printers the have 6" x6" trays that can handle your print and 2- 6" x8" trays, cheap $ 12,000 for all 3 and they are in excellent condition.
However, What you really need for your application is called a "Roll Screenprinter". Don't by a cheap manual one, remember you get what you pay for. Hanky USA out of California makes a good one and they have excellent service for parts and ect.