These are left over parts from machines I no longer have.
The condor power supplies are tested and putting out proper voltages.
The boards I believe to work, but have no way of testing them.
All products are as is, thus the low prices.
Quantity Description Asking price each
2 condor pac 105‐05 power supplies $125.00
1 melco black power supply ps 265 (no negative voltages) $30.00
1 color change board 1306‐01 $100.00
1 color change board 384313 $100.00
1 pcb, cpu, sp, assy model 000493 $75.00 (was told not working properly)
2 xy cables part number 40493701 $20.00
1 carriage, xy, assy $10.00
1 black head needle case $10.00
1 black head thread tensioner $15.00
2 x drive channels $5.00
2 starlan cables $2.00
1 one gross white poly m style bobbins $10.00
1 EMC 6ml & mlt manual $5.00
Pictures are available of all items, and everything is obo. If you want and are willing to take everything I will cut you an unbelievable deal.
There are 13 Comments
Re: Melco part blowout
What model do the boards fit? I am looking for a color change board for an old Melco EMC 6 machine...............
Re: Melco part blowout
Looking for a new foot presser like this for melco emc6 please help if you can.
Re: Melco part blowout
Get backups while you can.
Re: Melco part blowout
pete i sold all the extra new presser feet i have but i'll sell you the 1 black head needle case for $10.00 plus shipping. i has has 6 presser feet on it, i can send you a picture if you want.
Re: Melco part blowout
the boards came out of emc 6's. i am not positive if they were white or black heads. i believe they work in any emc6.
Re: Melco part blowout
needle case sold
Re: Melco part blowout
make me offers before these go on ebay next week
Re: Melco part blowout
Re: Melco part blowout
pms returned. if you didnt get a response, let me know
Re: Melco part blowout
Shoot me offers
Re: Melco part blowout
all offers will be looked at
Re: Melco part blowout
hi I'm Sandy do u have the tubular frame support arms for the EMT 10T
Re: Melco part blowout
Hi do u still have some parts left can u call me at 407-680-7058 Sandy thanks