Looking for 8 or 10 Color Sportsman Cali Only

"tomas"'s picture
San Jose, ca, United States

Looking to purchase or take over lease for 8 - 10 color Sportsman.

California Only


There are 6 Comments

"tomas"'s picture

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
You and me both! California seems to have slim pickins

Thanks to the couple that have contacted me. But looking for 2007 or newer.

Ready to buy now. Giving it another 2 weeks to find a used one or will purchase new.

hi I was wondering if you still needed a press
we have a 2002 sportsman.
8 station 6 heads with flash
runs really well,
youth, sleeve, adult plattens
asking 13K but will negotiate if picked up soon, we are expecting another press at the end of the week and need it out.
we are located in Santa Cruz, CALIF

let me know if you are interested.
price negotiable



Broprints Inc
131 Center st. #3
Santa Cruz, CALIF

831 427 2767


We are also looking for an M&R 10 color....Preferably a newer model. Seems like they are very hard to find right now. I would take one from anywhere in the country at this point. Been looking for 5 months! Good Luck!

I've got two presses currently running but we're looking to downsize. Both M&R Sportsmans. Low imprint count on both. One is 8/10 and other is 6/8. Call if you're interested. Compressor and all the works if you need it. Located in Oklahoma.
