I bought a Hotronix 16x20 swinger heat press for my wife and she decided this wasn't for her. The press has done 3 teams of jerseys, and a few predesigned t shirts. I have it for sale in the Atlanta Craigslist, and Ebay Classifieds for Chattanooga. It's not moving. I need to at least make my money back on this thing, but don't know where to start as it seems its gonna be up to me. Can anyone tell me if people offer contract jobs to heat pressers? I have a good printer, but I dont think it will be good for transfers as it is an HP, and I read the HP ink is water based, and wont stay on a shirt when washed. I work a lot of hours on a full time job, can anyone give me some good advice on how to make my money back without any more investment, and without working 24/7? I know I will have to put time into it. If I hook the right thing, maybe my wife and son will become interested after all.
Re: I need to make my money back
50-60% is all you'll get from your machine, sorry to say. NO ONE trusts used stuff unless they know the persona and know where to find them at any time.
No matter what you do, the longer you keep the machine, the more it depreciates. Also, trying to get into some other type of media, is going to prolong your time to get rid of it and maybe even cost you money. If you try other approaches, you're prolonging the agony, and just hoping your family will become interested.
Sometimes, it's best to cut the line and move on. Advertise it at 90% of purchase, and take the best offer. Hoping they will like it later usually don't help.
Sorry your project went sour, but if all you're out is the press, you came out pretty well.
Re: I need to make my money back
Best thing to look into is a place like Transfer Express for ideas. If you are going to sell the press don't expect more than about 60% of what you paid for it.
Re: I need to make my money back
Here is a link
Re: I need to make my money back
Transfer Express looks interesting. I don't want to give this thing away. I would like to at least make my money back before donating it to someone. If I bought a new printer, what would you guys recommend to be affordable, and be permanant on a shirt. I have alot of ideas for designs, but I want the transfers to last more than one wash. The life of the shirt would be ideal. I've done alot of things over the years, but dealing junk is not one of them. That's a reputation I can do without.
Re: I need to make my money back
Then stay away from inkjet transfers. Transfer express products are high quality screen printed transfers and will outlast anything inkjet could ever do. I would contact them and get some samples. Their "Idea Book" is great and if you can sell people on their customizable templates you can make good money and deliver a great product. If you start pushing inkjet and you attach "quality" to it, you will lose business fast. I offer inkjet transfers as a last resort to customers only wanting a few shirts that they are only going to wear a handful of times and I make it clear that it is what it is.
Re: I need to make my money back
There is also airwavesinc.com and proworldinc.com . Proworld I don't believe customizes anything though.
Re: I need to make my money back
Oh, and thanks for posting for me prosperi-tees!!! Thanks in advance to anyone else who may give advice!! All is appreciated, and well recieved!!
Re: I need to make my money back
These links are a breath of fresh air. I will be calling them tomorrow. Thanks a million for the inkjet advice!! That's totally in the opposite direction of what I had in mind, but makes perfect sense. If I do any inkjet, I will tell them its a novelty item, and not to be worn more than a couple of times. Even if I lock it up after I get my money back, I dont want anyone saying I should never have dealt with that *******!!!!! I'm always doing something for extra money, and a reputation carries over to every part of your life.
Re: I need to make my money back
Very true and you're welcome.
If you wanted to keep going with this you may look into getting a small vinyl cutter but that's another ball game.