AT-135 4 color Pneumatic Pad Printer Sealed Ink Cup with Shuttle made in USA by Auto Tran. The machine would cost $30-$35 new becaue of all of it's added featuers. We are selling it for $8,000.
Video of our AT-135 in operation: For More Info:
Quantity 2- ATA3007P-50-55D-DF Print Pads Wood Base 3/8-16 Tap. New these are $54.00 each = $108.00.
Quantity 2- ATCB06-50-55D-DF Print Pads Wood Base 3/8-16 Tap New these are $73.00 = $146.00.
Quantity 2 – 3.5 inch ceramic DuraSeal Rings (PERFECT CONDITION/ both sides).$295 each = $590.00.
Registration Tabs $30.00
2 tubes Retarder : $40.00
1 Liter Marabu Primer: $87.00
8 oz. Fixture Putty: $20.00
19 water wash plates (punched) @ 4.40 each = $83.60
Marabu Inks:
8 oz. Yellow Orange $39.50
8 oz. Medium Yellow $39.50
8 oz. Magenta $42.00
8 oz. Deep Blue $39.50
8 oz. Black $39.50
8 oz. White $39.50
8 oz. Red $39.50
1 liter Red $82.50
Tinted Screen 200/20 = $35
Tinted Scrren 300/20 = $35
Quantity 25 – 3.5” O Rings = ?
We also selling SEPARATELY an AT -49 Exposure Unit purchased new in June 2011 for $400.00. It has an automatic timer on it. It’s been used maybe 10 times. New it sells for $695.00.