Wanted: Anatol Titan or Brown Electraprint Jr.

Prosperi-Tees's picture
Clovis, ca, United States

Looking for a Anatol Titan 6/5 or Brown Electraprint Jr. preferably in California. Pm Me if you have anything.

There are 11 Comments

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
Open to older Gauntlets, 6 to 8 colors. If you know of anything in California that runs good at a reasonable price shoot me a pm or email.

I have a 4 color 6 station Anatol Horizon in excellent condition includes q runner flash and rapid wave flash.plus youth,adult,sleeve and polo platens. 10 k. plus diamond chase roller frames 100 plus qty. 2 20" x 20" hopkins flashes 1 is auto tel 818 767 6885. email studiogear101@gmail.com

Prosperi-Tees's picture

studio gear wrote:
I have a 4 color 6 station Anatol Horizon in excellent condition includes q runner flash and rapid wave flash.plus youth,adult,sleeve and polo platens. 10 k. plus diamond chase roller frames 100 plus qty. 2 20" x 20" hopkins flashes 1 is auto tel 818 767 6885. email studiogear101@gmail.com

Sent you a message. Thanks

studio gear wrote:
I have a 4 color 6 station Anatol Horizon in excellent condition includes q runner flash and rapid wave flash.plus youth,adult,sleeve and polo platens. 10 k. plus diamond chase roller frames 100 plus qty. 2 20" x 20" hopkins flashes 1 is auto tel 818 767 6885. email studiogear101@gmail.com

Where are you located? Diameter of press?