Gorilla Imprints New Member

Hello everyone! I am the owner and operator of Gorilla Imprints custom screen printing located in Alexandria, KY. I am a graphic designer by trade, but wanted to expand my art skills into a business that could not only highlight my artistic skills, but allow me to see my art through production of a finished product. I have been having a blast learning the process of screen printing.

I started printing in 2011 after buying a small full shop set up from craigslist that consisted of an Oddessy 4/4 manual press, Black Flash 18" flash unit, Vastex Expos-it Exposure Unit a Little Buddy Conveyor dryer and a stainless washout booth. I picked it all up for around 4500$, set up shop in my small 900sqft basement, and my journey began.

It didn't take long for me to realize that my artistic attention to detail would work wonders in the screen printing process. Even though my press was old and had sloppy registration, I continued to push forward, learn, and expand my customer base. I Purchased a brand new M&R 6/6 Sidewinder this past summer and could not believe the quality of their products. I have been using it for nearly a year now and love it. However, I have figured out that manual printing is very hard on the body. I am now looking to expand my shop and purchase a small automatic such as a M&R Diamondback, a nice dryer that can run on standard home electric such as an Economax and other things like a nice shuttling flash unit, an exposure unit with single point light source and upgrade to roller frames. I suppose it just takes time........does everyone start this way?

Thanks for listening!
