Currently i have a 2001 Vastex V2000 6/4, ive had the press for about 5 years; its an all around good machine, i have upgraded easy change adult pallets, a set of youths and a double sleeve.. i had bought it off someone on this board for $1100... i thought it was a steal..
My company deals with many multicolor halftones now, its hard to keep that perfect reg after a couple of dozen prints.. my thoughts are its the design of the machine..
I have a buddy who owns a used supply company, he has a Hix 6/4 for sale; he seems to be an older machine probably around the same year as my Vastex.. it has alum pallets and the gas lifts... from watching videos it looked like a smooth machine and id imagine the gas lifts increase your print speed
any thoughts or suggestions ?
Re: Vastex or Hix 6/4 ??
Seven years back, I worked for Vastex and I can tell you that they are the best machines with the longest warranties - all steel (including pallets), 25 years on printers, 10 years on heating elements. Although I've been in a different industry for 7 years, I had many occasions to attend tradeshows and see their competition. You should keep your Vastex, hands down. You can send your print heads back for registration tweaks. They really do stand behind their product. Alum pallets are not nearly as good. If you need to, you can also get new gas lifters as none of them last forever. The cheapest place I know to buy Vastex is E-mail 40 years in the business. He can help you with that and just about anything else you need! Very fair guy!