New site for buying and selling

preston's picture

There is a New Industry site for buying and selling the things we using in the garment decoration industry.

Signing up is free, Basic listings are free, Basic Store is free.

You can list as a regular auction style, Buy Now, Dutch auction, Reverse Auction, Trade Auction and Make Offer auction. You can set reserve price, Buy Now price and Make offer range.

You can also just list a Wanted Ad.

Registration is open to all so stop in and sign up. You never know, you may just find something you are looking for or you may just sell something you have no use for anymore.

So if you are a Printer, Embroider, DTG'er, Rhinestoner, have a Clothing Line, Sell Equipment, Buy Equipment or Offer a Service such as Artwork, Contract Printing, Contract Embroidery or Industry Consulting then this is the place to be.


preston's picture

There is a New Industry site for buying and selling the things we using in the garment decoration industry.

Signing up is free, Basic listings are free, Basic Store is free.

You can list as a regular auction style, Buy Now, Dutch auction, Reverse Auction, Trade Auction and Make Offer auction. You can set reserve price, Buy Now price and Make offer range.

You can also just list a Wanted Ad.

Registration is open to all so stop in and sign up. You never know, you may just find something you are looking for or you may just sell something you have no use for anymore.

So if you are a Printer, Embroider, DTG'er, Rhinestoner, have a Clothing Line, Sell Equipment, Buy Equipment or Offer a Service such as Artwork, Contract Printing, Contract Embroidery or Industry Consulting then this is the place to be.
