Intro and HELP!!!

I am so stupid!

Well, let me start at the beginning.
I desperately want to learn to do embroidery, and have a small home based business, not only because I really like the idea of embroidery, but I also want to help out financially. But, silly me jumped in too quick, and made a very foolish decision.
Please don't give me a tongue lashing.. I already know how foolish I am.

I answered a craigslist ad for a 6 needle, one head Toyota ESP820. The man bought it about a year ago for his Real Estate Business... His wife was going to do all of their own embroidery. Anyway, they were in a bad car wreck.. and she lost the use of her arm, so the machine just sat for a year. He finally decided to sell it.
I want to to just say that when I went to see this machine, I saw his wife, and all of the scars on her right arm.. so I know this was not a sales ploy.
Anyway, on a whim of hopeful anticipation, I bought this machine for $1000.00 without software. The only things it came with was the cap assembly and one small hoop. I had no idea what else I would need, but thought I might be able to get it up and running.

I called the company this machine was made by (Pantograms in Fla) and the lady I spoke to made me feel like an absolute fool which just added "LOSER" on top of the feelings of hopelessness, and foolishness I already felt.
She explained that this machine so SOOO outdated, they don't make parts for it, and I would never be able to find software to run it. The only software that will run this machine, I am told, is $4000.00

Needless to say... my hopeful childlike anticipation has transformed into desolation, and feelings of LOSER OF THE WORLD!!!

CAN ANYONE WITH AN OUNCE OF PITY PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO WITH THIS MACHINE? Is there ANYWAY in the world I could get this machine up and running without placing us in bankruptcy? Do I have ANY options, other then sitting here with the knowledge that I have thrown away 1000.00 of my husbands hard earned money due to my negligence?

Desperate, and sinking into an abyss of sadness,
( I would like to remain as nameless, and anonymous as possible, I am too ashamed to tell you my real name)

United States
Robert Young's picture

also I am assuming the machine worked for the realtors before the accident? Are they able then to help you get it up and running or did they intentionally sell you a machine that never worked for them?

Modern Embroidery Designer

They never bought the software, or set it up. The accident happened shortly after they purchased it. He did say that before he purchased it, he saw it demo-ed by the seller. So, he states that it worked. He also said that another lady tested the mother board in the computer for errors, and there are no errors.

I am far to trusting... I never imagined he would lie to me. I am still hopeful that was telling me the truth, and that it is a working machine.

I have masterworks design pro II and lost my disc in our move-can anybody help me I have my registration number