Suggestions on equipment

Hello, I am new to the Forum and new to Screen Printing.

I am looking to start my own screen printing business but I just don't know what setup would be best for me.

I will want to do both local business and on-line sales, so I want something that can handle a pretty big work load but I don't want a setup that is too big, as I will be doing this from home and have limited space.

I have looked around at the big company sites and have looked at a lot of used equipment on eBay. There are so many options that I'm unsure of what would be best. But I think I want to go with a 4 color, 4 station press.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. :)


Greg hamrick's picture

Being new to screen printing, it may be worth your while to buy a book or video on screen printing. There is a BIG learning curve to good printing and equipment selection. Most of the cheap presses on e-bay are just plain ole' crap. So if you don't know to look for micro-registration or tolerances on a press, you'll end up with a pig and a poke.
Go to u-tube and look for instructional videos from ( R Jennings ). He's make some good short vids that can give you a great insight into what you might want in a press and other equipment. And best of all about em', they'er free.
Afterwards, if you have more questions, just post them here and I or one of the other printers that come here will be glad to help.
Good luck...........

At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

Hi, and thanks for the reply.

I have watched quite a few instructional vids on Youtube. And I had noticed that micro registration is definitely a must.

I guess I was wondering if there are any brands or models that are better than other? (Or are they all pretty much the same as long as they have micro-registration and good tolerances?)

And is it worth buying new equipment or can used stuff be just as good? I was going to buy brand new stuff but the money I can save with buying used equipment seems like a better choice for me.

And is there any general advice you (or anyone else) might have for a guy just getting into the business?

Thanks again!

Greg hamrick's picture

Most all brands today are just as good as the next. All use the same types of print heads. They just look different. Used equipment is just as good as new if it has been maintained. However, watch out for those companies that have "gone the way of the DODO". You might need to replace some parts and can't find them. Do a search on the brand and find out if they are still in business.
Also, E-mail me and I will send you some other tips and info that will save you a bunch of money after you get started.

At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

Thanks for the info Greg. I sent an e-mail your way. ;)

Another quick question - How crucial is having a conveyor dryer? I can see that it is definitely necessary once you get rolling, but will I need one right away? Will a shirt dry/cure properly without one?

If you are planning on printing any type of higher quanities at all, I would highly suggest a conveyor dryer. Curing with a flash dryer is very time consuming but can be done, harder to keep consistent though.

I would recommend checking out Lawson Screen and Digital ( for a good starter setup. They have a few different packages available, very good stuff.

Good luck.