This is a Transformer package (every other head prints Jumbo), the press in production now and is clean and tight.
The press has Central Off Contact, Air Screen Locks, Micro Registration, Oversize Print Chopper Cylinders, Mosier Indexer, two M&R Omni Uni Flashes on stands, (12) standard squeegees and flood bars and (14) standard 16" x 22" pallets and (48) squeegee/flood bar clamps
The Transformer Package gives Jumbo print capability in a smaller footprint (17') than typical Jumbo presses. Every other head has a 36" maximum stroke and the in between heads stoke the standard 22". This gives the ability to print 6 colors Jumbo, 12 colors standard or combinations of the two. The machine's jumbo print area allows for "all over" prints of 6 colors (including sleeves).
Price is $17k with a 30 day parts warranty and loading/skidding included.
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Re: 1993 M&R 12 color 14 Station Transformer
Seritech Inc.