By catboater on
May. 03, 2014
Hi All,
I've been pulling my hair out over a hat job I took in with .236" high Times Roman lettering. Dang serifs were nothing but problems until a colleague set me straight.
The Phaff 4-D software I was using will not set the stitches to all run the same direction. Meaning parallel all the time.
Also, I can't find a way to get it to stitch center out. Any of you know how to do that with 4-D?
So my friend set my type for me using his Wilcom and the hats runs perfectly now. The Lettering software is $900.00 alone. YIKES!! Are there any cheaper alternatives? I'm a two head in home business so $900. is a real stretch for me.
Is it easy to use?
Re: Pfaff 4-D question and Is Wilcom Lettering worth the money
are you able to hand punch your lettering in the software you have? honestly that is the only way to have letters that will sew the way you want them to. We rarely use keyboard lettering and when we do we individually modify the letters we know will be issues... so might as well hand punch. Yes this takes time, but some price has to be paid for quality.. time or money.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Pfaff 4-D question and Is Wilcom Lettering worth the money
By Hand punch do you mean set individually? Yes, I can do that but rearranging the stitch pattern by hand seems pretty iffy.
Re: Pfaff 4-D question and Is Wilcom Lettering worth the money
sorry, not set individually... but actually digitizing each part of each letter... so T would be in 2 parts... K would be in 2 or 3. actual digitizing, not using the keyboard on your computer but your mouse?
Modern Embroidery Designer