used equipment value?

I am shopping some used units...could someone give me an opinion on the value of a babylock bmp8 2008 year model.....with basic hoops ....

Also looking at a happy hcs 1201 30. Year 2007....
With hat hoop.....
Thank you for your time......

I have a Tajima NEO for sale single head with all the hoops/quick frames/thread/backing and additional fonts. Runs like the day I got it. So, in my opinion the Tajima is the way to go. If your interested in purchasing contact me.

I am still shopping, any advice on where I can go for some advice? :)

A RiCOMA RCM-1501PT 2008 year model has come up ......
they want 4k and I was thinking that was a bit much for the year,


Wouldn't recommend Ricoma, especially the older ones. China Brand machines can be very tricky, that’s why they are so cheap.
In the industrial sector the manufacturing year is not that important. A good maintained Tajima or Barudan from 1998 will deliver an excellent stitch quality (Most probably better than a 2014 Ricoma... ) So don't look just on the age...
A Happy HCS might be a good choice if it is well maintained and if you don't run it too hard. But it is a semiprofessional embroidery machine and it ages a lot quicker than a Happy HCA or HCD. I wouldn't spend more than 4.000-5.000 USD for a unit this age.
But it might be better to have a look on older industrial type machines.
Babylock is popular between home users, not professionals, so you have to ask in a different forum.