Brother Embroidery Software BES 100e

I work at a national chain company who embroiders and uses the brother machines. We have a person who comes in and embroiders for us but the only program she's familiar with is the Brother embroidery software BES 100e

The only info i found on this software is here:

and when you click download it says file not found.
I would pay for this software, but can't find any information on it anywhere.. are any of you able to direct me?
Thanks so much

Yeah I have the software and the dongle. It's not working for me and it didn't work for the fire department that had the machine before me. The software doesn't want to work and can't get files to send to the machine. I figured the whole thing is a dead horse.

This software is so old that its unsupported. If you are able to get a copy getting it to work is the hard part. If your able to get a legit copy and need help getting it working PM me. If you are able to find someone with a dongle to sell (Yes you need a hardware dongle) I have everything else to get it working. But you have to have the right PC setup.

Actually shoot me a call. I am a Embroidery Technician. My number is 540-553-2832. My name is Jeff. If you are interested perhaps we could work something out and you could paypal me and I can ship it to you

I have Brother BES-100 CD disk and 2 dongles. One is for "Lettering and Editing" and the second is "Full Digitizing" Both work fine on a PC running Win XP AND has an old-fashioned printer port called an LP1 port for the dongle. If anyone could tell me if it is possible to run the software on a computer that does not have an LP1 port (Laptop) I would be very grateful. I would be willing to sell the "Lettering" dongle if someone is interested. I would include a copy of the latest version of the BES-100 software and copies all the fonts I have as well. John