Complete 6 Color 4 Station Shop

Camden, SC, United States

Complete turn key print shop. If it's textile, you can print it right with this package. All items are in tip tip shape and ready to be at work in the morning:

Completely Rebuilt Antec 6 Color 4 Station Press with Micro Register and Adjustable Off Contact on Every Head.

National Model N2408 24" Electric Dryer Single Phase 220v 30 Amps, with 24" in feed 50" tunnel and 24" out feed. Two Radiant Panels with Variable Speed Forced Air Circulation, Powered Exhaust, Thermocouple/Digital Temperature Control in Perfect Working Order

Richmond Micro Perfect Screen Maker Exposure Unit with Integrator (over $3,000 new) Has New Bulb, Blanket and Glass (substitute Table Top Fluorescent Tube Exposure Unit & Deduct $1,500.00)

Black Body 110v Flash Cure On Swivel/Height Adjustable Stand

Anthem Complete Numbering System w/ Master Frame 22 Number Screens & 2 Number Squeegees 2 Sizes of Numbers Already on Screens

4- 16" Wide adult Pallets Solid Aluminum with Rubber Tops

Antec Jacket Pallet w/hold down for lined or Unlined Jackets

12" Youth Pallet Solid Aluminum with Rubber Top

4" Sleeve Pallet Solid Aluminum with Rubber Top

New Pocket Master Pocket Pallet (Stainless Steel)

New Hat Champ Cap Print Pallet w/hold down

6 - Like New 16" Squeegees for full size adult prints

4 - 12" Youth Squeegees

18 - Newman Roller Frames Stretched with New Mesh Of Assorted Counts 1 Square Bar & 3 Round Bars

American Niagara Spray Out Gun

Green Works Pressure Washer

This is 100% Complete to hit the ground and start printing (just add the ink and emulsion) with good, clean Commercial Quality Equipment. Price for everything Crated and Loaded (discount available for customer pick up) $9,800.00

Seritech Inc.

There are 18 Comments

do you still have the Antec 6 color and is it a tracer or legend? and would you consider selling just the press and exposure unit? and if so what are you asking?

Price now $5k customer pick up, this stuff is in great shape, where are you finding a better deal on a turnkey set up??? This is not cheasy latenight telemarketing stuff, this equipment will serve you for years with very little or no trouble.

Seritech Inc.

I would consider separating these. What are you thinking is a fair offer on the items you are wanting. Please respond to my e-mail address (

KilljoySam81 wrote:
Would you separate any other pieces? I'm interested in the press, the pallets, and the spray out gun.

Seritech Inc.

Here's the Deal. Still have the Antec 6-4 Tracer w/flash on stand and all the pallets (adult, youth, sleeve, jacket & pocket), One Color CAPS cap printer with screens and two sizes of base mandrils, 24" National Conveyor Dryer with forced air, Exposure Unit (table top), 12 New Frames (assorted mesh counts), Complete Numbering Set , Spotting Gun, Scoop Coater, Spray Tack (plus a nice starter assortment of Plastisol inks & emulsion), Mixing Auger for Power Drill, Ink Scrapers, Pressure Washer and 12 Squeegees. Everything is 100% functional and completely checked out, no missing or broken items.

This is a Complete Turn Key 6 Color Screen Printing operation for less than some 6 color Manual Presses cost. Get started on the cheap with this top notch package. Inspection and demonstration no problem. $6,500.00 buys it all FOB SC. Customer pick up preferred, carting and shipping is available.

Seritech Inc.