DTG M2- 8 months old and less than 500 prints ran

Smyrna, GA, United States

Less than 500 prints. Machine is 8 months old! Great condition, like new.
Comes with 4 shirt platens, 2 sleeve platens, inks and extra print head.

$18,000 or best offer.

Please comment for pics of machine.

M-Series Quick Facts

◾Industrial build – IT’S TOUGH!
◾Patent Pending WIMS (White Ink Management System)
◾Seamless servo driven accuracy
◾ALL NEW firmware DESIGNED for TEXTILE Printing
◾Scalable production – print 1,2 or 4 garments at the same time
◾A new way to print – iQw Interweave – eliminates banding at all resolutions
◾Print area of 17.7” x 24” – set your designs free of traditional 14” x 16” direct to garment image areas!
◾Print 50+ full size graphics on lights and 25+ full size graphics on darks per hour – Now that’s FAST!

- See more at:http://www.dtgprintermachine.com/dtg....hFE5A0j3.dpuf


Machine Size: 50" L x 38.6" W x 21.7" H
Machine Weight: 212 lb
Print Area: 17.7" x 24"
Resolution: 1440 x 1440 dpi
Color: 8 (Dual CMYK or 4 white plus CMYK)
CMYK Ink Delivery: Bottled - pressurized CMYK>
White Ink Delivery: WIMS System
Print Head: Piezo 180 nozzles per channel
Pallets: multiple pallet options - kid size to 24" x 47"
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
Voltage: 120V

There is 1 Comment

rreich223 wrote:
less than 500 prints. Machine is 8 months old! Great condition, like new.
Comes with 4 shirt platens, 2 sleeve platens, inks and extra print head.

$18,000 or best offer.

Please comment for pics of machine.

M-series quick facts

◾industrial build – it’s tough!
◾patent pending wims (white ink management system)
◾seamless servo driven accuracy
◾all new firmware designed for textile printing
◾scalable production – print 1,2 or 4 garments at the same time
◾a new way to print – iqw interweave – eliminates banding at all resolutions
◾print area of 17.7” x 24” – set your designs free of traditional 14” x 16” direct to garment image areas!
◾print 50+ full size graphics on lights and 25+ full size graphics on darks per hour – now that’s fast!

- see more at:http://www.dtgprintermachine.com/dtg....hfe5a0j3.dpuf


machine size: 50" l x 38.6" w x 21.7" h
machine weight: 212 lb
print area: 17.7" x 24"
resolution: 1440 x 1440 dpi
color: 8 (dual cmyk or 4 white plus cmyk)
cmyk ink delivery: Bottled - pressurized cmyk>
white ink delivery: Wims system
print head: Piezo 180 nozzles per channel
pallets: Multiple pallet options - kid size to 24" x 47"
rip software: Dtg rip pro
operating system: Windows xp, windows 7, windows 8
voltage: 120v
