By sharon.gambill@... on
Feb. 24, 2015
Have been embroidering for about 14 years, mostly as an add-on for my drapery business. Presently have Babylock BMP6 and looking to upgrade, any suggestions.
Re: Hello from Pensacola Beach, FL
Hello Florida, I started with a Husqvarna Viking Designer SE about 5 years ago and then moved up to a SWF 1501C Single Head Compact Machine. The one thing I cannot stress enough is buy from someone that will give you proper training and service for your machine. I had bought my Husqvarna from them and got really good training on that but on the SWF it was non-existent. I would call to find out when I could get trained and he would ask if I watched the DVD. Well the DVD wasn't up to date on the model I was using so it was useless. I will point out I live in Western Canada and I did receive assistance from (which is in the USA)they have great tutorials on how to do everything. That is how I taught myself how to use my machine, but I still have not use the hat attachment :( Another machine that is very similar is I will be following your thread because I want to buy another machine and would love to read some feed back.