1992- 1996 Challengers

Camden United States

Here is a valuable bit of information to owners of these machines. It appears the Omron CPU's in these machines have a issue with the capacitors that power the proximity switches in these machines. After awhile (about 20 years) thes capacitors start leaking and the voltage falls off causing the machines to stop. Recently I have spoken with numerous people that have sent their CPU's back to M&R for reprogramming (to the tune of $1,000.00 +) and got them back only to find nothing has changed in the machine (still dead in the water). We have helped some of these folks out by providing external power supplies for the 24v needed to energize the proximity switches and get the return signal to the CPU's. We will have a kit and instructions by the end of this week for the repairing the power supply failure.

It is important if you feel the need to send your Omron CPU to M&R for programming that you specify to "check the 24v power supply" whilst the unit is in their repair area, they do not automatically check the 24v output.

We have nearly every part for these machines in stock at: http://www.aero-inc.com/oldsite/challenger.html

Seritech Inc.
