Organizing notes for embroidery files

Hello to all - newbie to the board here!!! ive been digitizing for about 3-4 years now and ive tried several different ways to keep notes for certain companies where the logo changes depending on the garment it goes on, or maybe a certain company wants their logo sewn on the right chest or anything that i might need to know before i sew a design...

sooo anyway just wanted to know what organizational system do yall use for this?!?!

ive tried printing the spec sheet and writing notes on it, but because this is only needed for one out of every ten or so designs, i was wasting time on all the others and it became clutter, blah blah...

ive tried word documents inside the folders but theres no "red flag" when i open the emb file for me to think to look in the folder so that wasnt working and its not feasible to just look in the folder for every design (my open dialog box is set to show only emb files to declutter it from vectors n such)

what im currently doing is making a note directly IN the file... just using the text tool and placing the notes in a neon color over the whole design - of course i have to delete this before sending it to my machine and remember to not resave it or whatever... this has been my best method so far - i just feel that there may be a better way that i havent thought about...

software is wilcom ES3; machine barudan

thank so much!!!

Robert Young's picture

Hi there. We used to keep 4x6 note cards on each client with their specific instructions, would this work? So every time a client ordered we would pull that one card. (kept them in something like a recipe box... ha, low tech but we did not have a website back then) Now the website keeps all that info front and center for us.

It sounds like the method you are currently using works though.

Modern Embroidery Designer